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更新时间:2014-6-29:  来源:毕业论文

摘  要
关键字:射频系统 MATLAB RF放大器 圆图仿真
Matlab based on the RF circuit design and simulation
This paper introduces the general RF systems, introduced in the radio frequency (RF) circuit design Smith chart an important role in the development of the machine, and then Smith introduced the basic principles of map, also introduced the S-parameters of transistors. Focuses on the use of MATLAB to the RF amplifier module system design simulation of a round Figure, and through examples, have been designed in line with the circle diagram. And the text of the RF transistor amplifier design of the basic theory of knowledge expounded in detail on the amplifier to the definition of performance indicators, but also describes the use of circle equation stability, gain, noise and VSWR indicators. And concluded, MATLAB can be effectively used in the RF system design, the microwave circuit simulation to achieve the circular map, we can provide the majority of RF circuit designers of great help.
Keyword: RF system  MATLAB  RF amplifier  Smith chart’s simulation
目  录
摘  要 I
毕业设计题目要求 1
1  引言 2
1.1课题的研究意义 2
1.2国内外研究现状 3
1.2.1射频技术现状 3
1.2.2射频技术发展方向 3
1.3本文研究的目标 4
1.4论文结构简介 4
2  射频电路设计的基本内容 6
2.1 一般射频系统 6
2.2 Smith圆图的构成和工作原理 7
2.2.1等反射系数圆 7
2.2.2阻抗圆图 7
2.2.3标定电压驻波比 9
2.3 散射参数(S参数) 10
3  RF晶体管放大器设计 12
3.1 放大器的性能指标 12
3.2 放大器的功率关系 13
3.2.1射频源 13
3.2.2 转换功率增益 14
3.2.3其他功率关系 14
3.3 稳定性判定 15
3.3.1稳定性判定圆 15
3.3.2绝对稳定 16
3.3.2放大器的稳定措施 17
3.4 增益恒定 19
3.4.1 单向化设计法 19
3.4.2 单向化设计误差因子 20
3.4.3 双共轭匹配设计法 20
3.4.3 功率增益和资用功率增益圆 21
3.5 噪声系数圆 22
3.6 等驻波比圆 23
3.7 宽带放大器 24
4  Matlab的计算和仿真 26
4.1设计一个具有最佳噪声系数和预定增益的小信号放大器 26
原理分析 26
稳定性及最大增益分析 27
等功率增益圆设计 28
噪声系数分析 29
4.2用等驻波比设计法实现预定的功率增益和噪声系数 30
设计原理及步骤: 30
4.3试验结果分析 33
5  结论 34
参考文献 35
附  录A 36
MATLAB基本知识 36
附  录B 38
B.1稳定性判定圆M程序 38
B.2等功率增益圆图设计程序 38
B.3等噪声系数圆图设计程序 40
B.4等驻波比圆图设计程序 43
谢 辞 48

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