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更新时间:2016-8-25:  来源:毕业论文

CAI,即计算机辅助教学(computer Assisted Instuction),是师生以计算机为主要媒体和手段从事教学活动的一种现代教学形式。现代教学论认为本文来自辣~文^论#文,网,毕业论文 www.751com.cn 加7位QQ324.9114找源文,所谓教学过程实质上市一个学习者认识发展的过程。从传播的观点看,教学过程又是一个信息传递、处理和反馈的过程整个信息传播过程的恒久畅通性。CAI实质上就是这样一个信息传播过程。因为,教育者、教育信息、教育媒体、受教育者就构成了CAI系统的四个基本要素。四要素互相作用不断调适形成稳定结构,这就是CAI教学模式。在CAI过程中,“课件”成为教育信息的核心。本文着重对计算机学科知识体系融合演示体系的设计与实现。

关键词: 多媒体;CAI; 课件;教育者;教育信息;教育媒体;受教育者

The computer system of subject knowledge fusion demonstration system design and Realization
In recent years, with the rapid development of computer technology, modern teaching equipment has been gradually extend, for the multimedia computer teaching has brought vitality, more and more profound influence on the school teaching, Teaching ideas and means of modernization problem is the important teaching reform problem, without the modernization of teaching, could not raise the modern talents. Advanced the rapid development of computer technology, the multimedia courseware is increasingly mature, the computer multimedia courseware itself has many for education, the teaching process is particularly valuable properties and functions, these characteristics and function of other auxiliary teaching media (such as video, TV, etc.) do not have. Multimedia courseware not only inherited the traditional teaching of the" student centered"," teach students in accordance with their aptitude" and feedback to the advantages of multimedia computer, has the rich expressive force, simple operation, can meet the greatest degree of student the basic requirements, so as to improve students' learning efficiency.
CAI, computer assisted instruction ( computer Assisted Instuction ), is the teachers and students to the computer as the main media and tools in teaching activities in a modern form of teaching. The modern teaching theory, the teaching process essence listed a learners understand the development process. From the communication point of view, the teaching process is also an information transmission, processing and feedback process the information dissemination process of constant flow. CAI is essentially a process of information spreading. Because, educators, educational information, educational media, the educated will constitute the four basic elements of CAI system. Four elements interact with each other constantly adapt to form a stable structure, which is the CAI teaching mode. In the process of CAI," class " has become the core of information education. This paper focuses on computer discipline knowledge system integration demonstration system design and implementation.

Keywords: Multimedia;  CAI;  Educators;  Education information;  Educational Media;The educated2857

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