关键词:ERP 电子单据 条形码
the status of management and information logistics planning for Gree KaiBang motor manufacture
ABSTRACT With the continuous growth of KaiBang motor manufacture, its existence gradually revealed many shortcomings. The shortcomings of the Department of Logistics Management is particularly evident. Traditional logistics management tools has lagged behind, unable to meet the development needs of KaiBang motor manufacture, The traditional means of logistics management has bec毕业论文http://www.751com.cn ome a major factor constraining development of KaiBang motor manufacture. Development of modern logistics depends on the improvement of information technology, logistics management information can change the information carrier and information storage methods, speed of information processing, disclosure and use of timely. This paper surveys current situation of KaiBang motor manufacture, Logistics Management Division organizational structure, role functions, storage overview, status of business processes, etc. This paper also presents the improvement of the original erp systems, the use of electronic documents, bar code technology and information technology for the development of KaiBang motor manufacture information logistics planning.
Key words:ERP electronic documents bar code technology
目 录
摘 要 III
目 录 V
1现状调查 1
1.1格力凯邦简介 1
1.2物流管理部概况 1
1.2.1简介 1
1.2.2组织结构 2
1.2.3角色职能 2
1.2.4仓库概述 2
2物流管理业务流程 4
2.1原材料入库 4
2.1.1收货 5
2.1.2送检 6
2.1.3入库 7
2.2物料配送 8
2.3调拨 13
2.4盘点 16
3现阶段发现的问题 19
3.1原材料入库流程问题 19
3.2仓储问题 19
3.3物料配送问题 20
3.4总结需求 20
4规划方案 21
4.1方案概述 21
4.1.1目的 21
4.1.2优点 21
4.1.3缺点 22
4.2可行性分析 22本文来自辣*文~论-文^网
4.2.1必要性 22
4.2.2技术可行性 22
4.2.3经济可行性 23
4.2.4结论 24
4.3规划方案实施 24
4.3.1系统开发 24
4.3.2模块划分 24
4.3.3设备网络布局 26
4.3.4拓扑结构 26
4.3.5库位规划 27
4.3.6库位条码编码规则 27
4.3.7物料条码方式的规划 31
4.4改进后操作流程 31
4.5进度计划 35
参考文献 36毕业论文http://www.751com.cn
附 录 37
企业文化 37
角色职能 39
物流管理手册 48
单据集 49
谢 辞 1466