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房地产公司竞争策略研究与制定 第2页

更新时间:2010-8-5:  来源:毕业论文
房地产公司竞争策略研究与制定 第2页
Abstract,The rich strength group has been through repeatedly for more than 10years under the real estate market comprehensive booming  background rapidly to develop, has developed into a large-scale real estate enterprise from large and middle scale real estate enterprises. In recent years, government macroeconomic regulation and control policy implement tation, real estate market not to consummation and standard. Will join the WTO other towns along with China to have the strength the development enterprise also to enter the market, the rich strength group will be facing the unprecedented challenge. Therefore, the clear market localization and the explicit competition strategy already became the enterprise to be able not but matter of concern.
This article take the rich strength group as the research object, first analyzes the rich strength group the present situation, pointed out it has the ability resources and has marketing ability. If rich strength group's human resources analysis, technological resource analysis, marketing network analysis, internal resources analysis, product income analysis, new project development ability analysis and so on. Then carries on the comprehensive analysis to the rich strength group's internal environment and the external environment, understood the Guangzhou real estate profession current situation, synthesizes the rich strength group the whole competition situation, discovers its suitable market localization and the competition strategy. According to the rich strength group's actual situation, unifies the meager knowledge and the opinion which I studies, carries on the ponder and the discussion from the market localization - competition strategy – competition strategy implementation these three aspects, proposes its suitable localization .
This article to the rich strength group's internal environment, the external environment has conducted the thorough research, establishes the effective competition strategy regarding the rich strength group ,promotes the market share, the foundation first-class real estate enterprise and the enhancement competitive advantage has the certain practical significance; At the same time, in apply theory to reality the foundation, proposed for the rich strength group a competition strategy, has provided the certain actual reference and the model for the next enterprise's competition.
Key words: Competition strategy, Market localization, Real estate摘 要富力集团在房地产市场全面景气的背景下历经十多年迅速发展,已从一个大中型房地产企业发展成为一个大型房地产企业。近年来,政府宏观调控政策的实施,房地产市场不断完善和规范。随着中国加入WTO外埠有实力的开发企业也将进入市场,富力集团面临着前所未有的挑战。因此,清晰的市场定位和明确的竞争策略已经成为企业不得不关注的问题。
关键词: 竞争策略,市场定位,房地产
目    录
1  绪论1
1.1 选题背景和意义1 1.2 文献综述.1
1.2.1  基本竞争策略1
1.2.2  营销组合. 2
1.3 研究方法与框架.4
2  富力集团的内部能力分析6
2.1 富力集团的现状.6
2.2 1  公司简介6
2.2.2  富力集团发展回顾7
2.2 富力集团能力资源分析.8
2.2.1  人力资源分析8
2.2.2  技术资源分析8
2.2.3  营销网络分析9
2.3 富力集团内部营销能力分析.9
2.3.1  富力集团内部营销资源分析9
2.3.2  富力集团产品收益性分析9
2.3.3  新项目开发能力分析10
2.4 本章小结.10
3  富力集团外部环境分析12
3.1 宏观环境分析.12
3.1.1  政治环境分析12
3.1.2  经济环境分析13
3.2 广州市房地产市场现状分析.14
3.2.1  总体情况14
3.2.2  土地供应分析14
3.2.3  广州市房地产市场需求分析 .15
3.3 富力集团竞争对手分析 15
3.3.1  富力集团竞争对手概况 15
3.3.2  富力集团与竞争对手情况比较16
3.4 本章小结.17毕业论文http://www.751com.cn
4  富力集团竞争策略的制定18
4.1 富力集团竞争策略的实施.18
       4.1.1  产品策略18
       4.1.2  定价策略18
       4.1.3  渠道策略18
       4.1.4  促销策略19
4.2 加强内部营销环境的政策.19
       4.2.1  企业对付环境威胁的对策19
       4.2.2  企业调节市场需求的策略20
4.3 制定与竞争者合理的竞争策略.20
       4.3.1  基本的竞争定位策略20
       4.3.2  构建基于时间的竞争优势策略21
4.4 提高有效供给的策略.22
4.5 降低开发成本的策略.24
4.5.1  成本概念和内容24
4.5.2  通过成本效益分析法降低企业成本24
4.5.3  价值链分析法降低成本25
4.5.4  运用作业成本法降低成本26

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