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企业人才流失的原因与对策 第2页

更新时间:2010-8-20:  来源:毕业论文
企业人才流失的原因与对策 第2页
As the most energetic economic point of growth, privately-run economy is the most active and advantageous element in the advancement of regional economy. However, the development of privately-run economy is restricted by the serious loss of talented people, which results from the restriction of social institution, the lack of professional management concept of human resources in enterprises, and other factors related to the employees. Besides the competitions of business management, market, capitals and technology, the privately-run economy is mostly under the competition of talented people that have been and will be more and more significant in the survival and development of enterprises. The core employees with professional technique and knowledge are the key elements in constructing core competence of enterprises. The transfer of personnel especially that of core employees will result in instability of personnel, loss of talented people and release of techniques, which not only makes the enterprises suffer from the loss of human capitals, but also threatens the fulfillment of development strategy. Therefore, personnel especially talented people are critical to the survival and development of enterprises, and consequently it is imperative to solve the problem of brain drain.
Taking Guangdong Puyen Co., Ltd as an example, the paper summarizes the main reasons for brain drain of enterprises and advances the solving measures through relevant analysis. Starting form business management system, management concept of human resources, salary management, performance evaluation and corporate culture, this paper suggests that enterprises set up perfect business management system, establish proper management concept of human resources, leave enough space for careers, and make good use of emotion management to retain talented people with high remuneration and attractive corporate culture.
Key words: Privately-run enterprises,Brain drain,Performance evaluation
摘    要
2 飘影公司人才流动的现状及出现的问题
2.1 飘影公司简介
  “飘影” 品牌是21世纪中国最具潜力的日化民族品牌之一:飘影产品获得“国家免检”称号,被评为“广东省名牌产品”、获得中华预防医学会权威认证,被评为中国日化“十佳品牌”,“飘影”品牌2004、2005、2006连续三年入选“中国500最具价值品牌”,品牌价值达10多亿元人民币。“飘影”产品至今已连续辣年在国家质检总局年度抽检中受到红榜公示表扬,连续十年全国质量检验稳定合格产品、连续9年荣获“重合同、守信用企业”、“质量信得过企业”、“绿色产品奖” (第一个获奖的化妆品品牌)、“美发十佳品牌”、“消费者喜爱商品”、“中国质量信誉保证企业”等殊荣。

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