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发展零售业营业环境的策略+我国零售业的现状及存在问题 第2页

更新时间:2010-12-5:  来源:毕业论文
发展零售业营业环境的策略+我国零售业的现状及存在问题 第2页
Since the reform and opening up, especially after China joined into the WTO, the retail business develops rapidly. China has gone through many ways that the foreign countries have walked for several decades before the road has been taken. Each kinds of retail trade condition are competed to promote, and met the general consumers' need enormously, which has obtained very big result. At the same time, we also should clearly realize: the unbalanced of retail business’ development, the difficulties on the roads ahead, especially the competitions between the domestic and foreign colleagues. It needs to make a huge endeavor.
In this paper, the first part has expanded the scale, growth in total sales and a steady increase in retail enterprise and our retail’s own shortcomings in recent years. At the same time, China is facing pressure from retail and foreign investors to China's retail sector, which shows the impact of China's retail current situation. The second part has analyzed the types of the retail business environments, functions and roles, then shows that business environment makes a great impact on retail sales. It’s concludes that the well design of the retail business environment is important. The third part takes the GRANDVIEW MALL as an example to explain the principles and methods that business environment should be taken.
This paper firstly analyzed the retail trade current situations through the data and the examples, then using the consumer psychology, store display and marketing knowledge from the retail business environment for startups. It has noted that the business environment on the importance of the retail industry, then the right type of business environment, and the inadequate description of retail business environment, and makes a strategy of current business environment.
Key words: The Retail Trade, The Marketing Environment, The Consumer Psychology, Sells the Field Exhibition, The Market Marketing
摘  要
本文第一部分通过对零售业近年来不断扩大的规模、增长的销售总额和稳步增加的零售企业门面以及我国零售业自身的缺陷、我国零售业面临的压原文请找腾讯752018766辣,文-论'文'网http://www.751com.cn 分则以正佳广场为实例,说明营业环境设计应该坚持的原则和方法。
关键词: 零售业,营销环境,消费者心理,卖场陈列,市场营销

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