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油漆市场营销策略论文+市场营销案例+开题报告+任务书 第3页

更新时间:2011-6-5:  来源:毕业论文
油漆市场营销策略论文+市场营销案例+开题报告+任务书 第3页
Qilu painting in Handan Region Research and Analysis Marketing Strategy
Based on the basic theory of marketing, as well as the use of a product's brand theory study,Also used the basic theory of marketing strategy, In this paper, paint industry Qilu Company and Handan marketing examples in the background, a thorough discussion of competitive marketing strategy, sales channels, product promotion, marketing, organizational and marketing innovation of theories and content, summed up the Qilu paint industry marketing experience and specific practices. Analysis of the Qilu paint industry's marketing innovation ideas, marketing, enterprise business that according to the needs of the target market will be characterized by all possible means to combine marketing strategies to optimize the system's overall strategy, the formation of enterprises operating characteristics to achieve the enterprise's marketing purpose. Finally, Lu pointed out that the paint industry in marketing innovation and marketing success is that product innovation, organizational innovation, the concept of innovation, strategy. Organizational innovation, including marketing, organizational structure, innovation and marketing of innovative forms of organization; product innovation, including product brand innovation, product development, product extension, the development of new products; innovative marketing strategies, including geographic expansion of sales and strengthen market-oriented.
[Keywords]: Marketing; marketing strategy; marketing innovation; product development
目    录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1本文的写作背景 1
1.2本文的写作意义 2
1.3本文写作的主要内容与研究方法 2
1.3.1主要内容 2
1.3.2研究方法 3
1.4文献综述 3
1.4.1市场营销理论 3
1.4.2市场 5
1.4.3市场的需求与变化 6
1.4.4国外发展状况 6
1.4.5国内研究进展 7
第2章 关于齐鲁油漆在邯郸的相关情况 8
2.1邯郸综合概况 8
2.1.1地理状况 8
2.1.2人口资源状况 9
2.1.3经济状况 9
2.1.4齐鲁漆业在邯郸市场的总需求量和销售量分析 12
2.2营销环境分析 18原文请找腾讯752018766辣,文-论'文~网http://www.751com.cn
2.2.1市场宏观营销环境分析 18
2.2.2齐鲁漆业在邯郸的主要的竞争对手分析 20
2.2.3齐鲁漆业在邯郸自身的分析 22
2.3市场细分 24
2.4目标市场选择 25
2.5市场定位 25
第3章 聊城齐鲁油漆在邯郸的市场分析 26
3.1公司概况 26
3.1.1公司简介 26
3.1.2设备 29
3.1.3产品介绍 29
3.1.4企业荣誉 33
3.2公司的微观环境 34
3.2.1公司内部环境 34
3.3邯郸齐鲁油漆SWOT分析 34
3.3.1 S.优势(Strength) 34
3.3.2 W.劣势(Weakness) 35
3.3.3 O.机会(Opportunity) 35
3.3.4 T.威胁(Threat) 35
第4章聊城齐鲁漆业市场营销策略探析 36
4.1邯郸齐鲁漆业网络营销策略及分析 36
4.1.1市场竞争策略 36
4.1.2产品策略 36
4.1.3价格策略 38
4.1.4促销策略 38
4.1.5渠道策略 39
4.1.6售后策略 39
4.1.7关系营销 39
4.2营销策略演进过程的特点 40
第5章 齐鲁漆业存在的问题及发展前景 41
5.1齐鲁漆业存在的问题 41
5.2齐鲁漆业的发展前景及建议 41
结束语 42
参考文献 43
致    谢 44

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