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摩托车销售营销策略研究 第2页

更新时间:2011-7-8:  来源:毕业论文
 Motorcycle Sales Co., Ltd. New Star Marketing ManagementAbstract
With the emergence of electric vehicles in recent years, the popularity of car, motorcycle sales situation has been poor, even the recession-based industry with a variety of features. However, for some operators, in the motorcycle industry have to pay a lot of money, they can not immediately withdraw from the industry to go into other industries. And now there are still some rural purchasing power, if it can operate well, it would still be profitable. Bad in this market environment, let some of you can still be profitable or to maintain the motorcycle dealers do not want to exit the industry. New Star Motorcycle Sales Co., Ltd. is the distributor of this situation, the bad environment in the market downturn, although the profit margins began to fall, but still have some profits to be made, I do not want to abandon the industry, in this case We can start marketing to increase business turnover so that corporate profits.
Keywords: Marketing; Management; Motorcycle; Profit
目        录
1 绪论 2
1.1研究背景和意义 2
1.2研究内容和方法 2
2相关理论 4
2.1市场营销含义 4
2.2品牌营销策略 4
2.3分销策略 5
2.4服务营销策略 5
2.5促销策略 6
3新新星摩托车销售有限公司现状分析 8
3.1企业介绍 8
3.2销售现状分析 8
3.3新新星摩托车销售有限公司在销售中存在的问题 9
4新新星摩托车销售有限公司营销环境分析 13
4.1宏观环境分析 13
4.2宁晋县的摩托车市场分析 14
4.3宁晋县的消费者市场分析 15
4.4竞争对手分析 16
4.5 SWOT分析 17
5宁晋县新新星摩托车销售有限公司的营销策略 19
5.1品牌营销策略 19
5.2分销渠道策略 20
5.3服务营销策略 21
5.4促销策略 22
结束语 25
参考文献 26
致    谢 27

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