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浩康公司品牌战略研究 第2页

更新时间:2011-8-22:  来源:毕业论文
摘    要
2008年北京奥运会不仅为国内外PVC塑胶运动地板生产企业带来了巨大的商业利润,更为国内PVC塑胶运动地板企业提高企业形象和品牌形象带来了千载难逢的机会。本文以河北浩康体育用品有限公司为研究对象,运用品牌管理、战略管理、市场营销等理论基础和研究成果,从公司所处内外环境入手,针对浩康公司确定品牌战略目标,品牌战略实毕业论文http://www.751com.cn/ 施作出简单研究。
Research on Brand Strategy of HaoKang Corporation
The 2008 Olympic Games not only bring about commercial benefit for the global companies that produce PVC plastic sport floor, but also provide a marvelous opportunity to beautify the business and brand image of national PVC plastic sport floor companies. Researches in the essay are based on Hebei Hao Kang Sporting Goods Limited Company where the author did internship, applying all available theory foundation and research achievements including brand management, strategy management and marketing management. The essay starts with business environment analysis, sets up the goal of brand strategy and analyzes how it is applied by focusing Hao Kang Sporting Goods Limited Company.
The essay initially introduces general information of Hao Kang Sporting Goods Limited Company, and then analyzes the environmental elements of PVC plastic sport floor from two aspects: inside and outside. SWOT analysis method is also used to discover the advantages, shortcomings, opportunities and threats. The third part tries to establish brand strategy based on the analysis above and the fourth part gives some constructive suggestions on the brand strategy implement process, implement methods and keystones, along with its risks.
Keywords: Brand; Corporation; PVC plastic sport floor; Strategy
目    录
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景与意义 1
1.2 研究的对象和内容 2
2 相关理论 3
2.1 品牌与体育用品品牌概述 3
2.2 品牌战略与体育用品品牌战略概述 4
3 浩康公司外部环境分析 6
3.1 浩康公司简介 6
3.2 浩康公司的宏观环境分析 7
3.3 浩康公司行业环境分析 9
3.4 浩康公司目标市场分析 9
3.5 浩康公司竞品分析 11
4 浩康公司品牌分析 16
4.1 浩康公司成就 16
4.2浩康公司品牌分析 16
4.3 浩康公司实施品牌战略SWOT分析 20
5 浩康公司品牌战略制定 22
5.1 浩康公司的战略发展与品牌战略目标 22
5.2 浩康公司的品牌战略整合传播 24
5.3 浩康公司的品牌战略延伸 25
6 浩康公司品牌战略实施 27
6.1 浩康公司品牌战略实施步骤 27
6.2 浩康公司品牌战略实施 27
6.3 浩康公司品牌战略实施重点 28
6.4 浩康公司品牌战略实施的风险分析与对策 33
7 结束语 35
7.1 主要结论 35
7.2 有待进一步研究的问题 35
参考文献 36
致    谢 37

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