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纺织行业安全生产管理现状及对策研究 第2页

更新时间:2011-9-26:  来源:毕业论文
Hua Shun Textile Research on Production Safety Situation and Countermeasures
China is the world's largest textile production and export, Textile industry is China's traditional pillar industries and also has the international competitive advantage industry. Countries are implementing people-oriented and create a harmonious society, safety is one of the important content of people-oriented and create a harmonious society. Researching and analysis the new situation and the new question, textile industry to explore new ways of the work of production safety, push the textile industry of the work of production safety in-depth healthy development, realizing the industry safety production situation steady. For the construction of socialist harmonious society and the healthy development of textile industry to create a favorable environment for safety and stability.
With the production and business operation textile company expansion, Company benefit increased year by year, but the production safety problems also appears increasingly. Therefore, in this paper based on the data collected, using safety production management theories and methods. Through the analysis of the current production status and following enterprise textile production of the cause of the accident. According to the actual situation of textile following enterprise, perfecting the following enterprise of textile production safety management. Follow the principle of safety production management system, humanistic principle, prevention principle and compulsory principle, formulating safety production responsibility system, and a series of safety production management system. The study results are based on first-hand data of scientific analysis basis, more objective and actual, the hope can help the administration of production safety, and for other enterprises in the industry, provide the beneficial reference.
Keywords:Hua Shun Textile;Safety Management;Accountability;Safety Education
目        录毕业论文http://www.751com.cn/
1绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究目的及意义 2
1.3研究内容及方法 2
1.4研究思路与框架 2
2理论综述 4
2.1安全生产管理发展历史 4
2.2安全生产管理概述 5
2.3安全生产管理原理 7
2.4安全生产管理原则 8
3华顺纺织公司安全生产管理现状 10
3.1华顺纺织概况 10
3.2华顺纺织安全生产事故及原因分析 14
4华顺纺织公司安全生产管理体系设计 17
4.1安全生产基础管理 17
4.2设备设施的安全管理 21
4.3职业危害与职业病管理 23
4.4消防管理 24
5安全生产管理对策 26
5.1企业自身方面 26
5.2社会监管方面 28
结束语 29
参考文献 30
致谢 31
附录一 32
附录二 34

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