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景观水池渗漏的研究+答辩PPT+开题报告 第2页

更新时间:2012-3-10:  来源:毕业论文
摘  要
关键词:景观水池;施工 ;过程 ;渗漏 ;裂缝
Landscape basin leakage research
With the continuous improvement of living standards, people living quarters of the landscape and environmental requirements are also increasing. Environmental space as a landscape pond an element of artistic creation, can pose a variety of patterns to landscape, art reproduction of nature.As the pool gives a static in action, in the silent sound, to win with fewer, made a strong appeal of people thinking, so a large number of landscape projects are widely used, that is people of a high-quality natural and harmonious living Pursuit.
Focus on the natural affinity landscape pool performance changes in its shape on a flexible rather than a simple format exists. It is this particular form of structural design in landscape construction, the pool's construction and high quality control requirements proposed in order to achieve a very good landscape. However, after the completion of most of the landscape pond leakage problems are widespread, seriously affected the play of their functions. Pool designed by landscape structure, the use of materials, construction techniques, and other influencing factors, found that the formation of leakage is not an isolated formation, but a system of cumulative process.This requires us to build the pool to grasp every detail in order to reduce the occurrence of such phenomena ,to avoid economic losses,and create a better living environment for our people to build a better life.
Keywords: Landscape basin;  Construction;  Process;  Leakage; Crack

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