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更新时间:2016-7-27:  来源:毕业论文

The new direction of local newspaper use “the method of magzines” to explor
《The weekend of pengcheng》 as an Example


关键词:报纸杂志化; 副刊; 周末版

Abstract: With the rise of online media, in facing the dual pressures of new media and internal competition the "magazine" exploration boom again rise in the press. From newspaper layout to the idea of running a newspaper ;from  special issue or column to weekend newspaper, pressures in the new era the Journalist try to find a new methods through their way. How to fight this battle is particularly important for the local newspaper media  which away from the political and cultural center." News to attract readers and supplements to keep readers".《Weekend paper of Pengcheng》As the newspapers www.751com.cn Supplement of 《The evening paper of Pengcheng》. Which demonstrated the use of a large number of magazines practices, but also to some extent from the direction of the local newspaper media magazine of exploration? This paper attempts to layout on the "Pengcheng weekend", topic reports, strengths and weaknesses, and analysis, to explore the new magazine of the new situation of the local newspaper media.

Key Words: Newspaper use the method of \magzines ; supplement;weekend newspaper

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