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更新时间:2016-9-27:  来源:毕业论文

中小企业青年员工主观幸福感调查研究 摘  要:主观幸福感是个体的一种重要的态度,是指个体在自身所确定的标准的基础上对其整体生活质量的综合评价,反映了人们对生活总体的满意程度。对中小企业青年员工主观幸福感现状问卷调查结果表明:中小企业青年员工主观幸福感处于中等水平,且在不同的人口统计学变量上存在差异。因此,中小企业应从提供良好的工作环境、构建和谐的人际关系、建立公平的薪酬福利制度、帮助员工建立职业发展规划等方面提升青年员工的主观幸福感。

 Research on Subjective Well-Being of Young Employees in
 Small and Medium Enterprises
Abstract: Subjective well-being (SWB) is an important attitude of a person, it means the estimator values his or her overall life quality by his or her own standard, which reflects the overall satisfaction on life. China begun the study of SWB late and the study focused on special populations, but it is almost the blank in the field of SWB of employees in small and medium enterprises. Given this situation, a questionnaire was made to discuss the current status of these young employees in small and medium enterprises. The results show the subjective well-being of young employees in small and middle enterprises is in the medium level, there are differences in different demographic variables. Thus, the small and medium enterprises should improve the employees’ SWB from some aspects, such as offering adequate workplace, building up the harmonious inter relationships, setting up the fair remuneration and welfare systems, helping employees’ plan their occupations.
Keywords: Small and Medium Enterprises; Young Employee; Subject Well-being
目    录

摘  要 1
Abstract 1
一、相关研究概述 2
(一)相关概念界定 2
(二)相关研究成果 3
二、研究设计 5
(一)研究工具 5
(二)数据收集 5
三、实证结果分析 6
(一)信度分析 6
(二)描述性统计分析 7
(三)人口统计变量上的差异分析 7
四、 研究结论与建议 12
(一)研究结论 12
(二)相关建议 13
(三)研究局限 15
参考文献 16
附录 17
致谢 19,3167

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