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更新时间:2016-10-7:  来源:毕业论文

管理者自我效能感与工作绩效的关系研究与建议 摘  要:自我效能感是影响工作绩效的重要影响因素之一。文章以组织中的管理人员为研究对象,构建出了管理者的自我效能感与工作绩效的关系模型,并在此基础上进行实证分析。研究结果表明,管理者自我效能感与工作绩效之间呈正相关关系,且管理者自我效能感对工作绩效有一定的预测力。进而为组织在日常管理活动中,如何通过提高管理者的自我效能感来提高其工作绩效提供了一些建议。

Research on the Relationship between Managerial Self-efficacy and Job Performance
Abstract: Sense of self-efficacy is one of the important factors affecting the job performance. This paper will target managers in the organizations as an example, then based on the managerial self-efficacy and job performance relationship to built an model, in order to give some empirical analysis. Studies show that it has positively correlated relationship between managerial self-efficacy and job performance. Besides, managerial self-efficacy has predictive power to its job performance. And strive to daily management activities of organizations, we put forward some suggestions on how to improve the managerial self-efficacy to boost their job performance.
Key words:Managers; Self-efficacy; Job Performance
目    录

摘  要 1
Abstract 1
一、相关概念的界定 2
(一)自我效能感 2
(二)工作绩效 2
二、实证研究设计 3
(一)相关理论研究成果 3
(二)模型的建立与假设的提出 4
(三)问卷的设计 5
三、实证结果分析 6
(一)信度分析 6
(二)人口学变量对各因素的影响分析 6
(三)相关分析 9
(四)回归分析 10
四、研究结论与建议 11
(一)研究结论 11
(二)相关建议 12
(三)研究局限 13
参考文献 14
附录 15
致谢 17,3215

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