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更新时间:2016-10-7:  来源:毕业论文

XX公司营销人员绩效考核指标体系研究及重建 摘  要:建立有效的绩效考核体系有助于提升企业业绩和竞争优势,加强企业内部管理以达到企业战略的实现。文章以中泰公司作为研究对象,针对公司营销人员绩效考核指标中存在的绩效指标单一、完全以结果为导向、忽视团队指标等问题。结合公司实际情况,重新定位员工职责,通过建立KPI绩效考核指标体系,以及对指标权重的设计,旨在建立和健全以提升员工绩效和能力为导向的公平、公正的,能为组织和企业提供战略依据的绩效考核体系。
关键词:营销人员;绩效考核; KPI 

Research on Marketing Personnel Performance Assessment Index System of Zhong-Tai Cylinder Head Limited Company
Abstract: An effective performance appraisal system helps to improve business performance and competitive advantage, strengthen internal management to achieve corporate strategy implementation. Thai companies as the research object in the articles, Marketing personnel performance evaluation indicators, performance indicator is too single, fully results-oriented, ignoring team targets and other issues., fully results-oriented, ignoring team targets and other issues. Combined with the actual situation, reposition the staff responsibilities. Through the establishment of KPI performance appraisal index system, as well as index weights designed to establish and improve employee performance and capabilities, Fair, just, and can provide for the organization and business strategy is based on performance appraisal system.
Key words:Marketing personnel; Performance assessment; KPI
目    录

摘  要 1
Abstract 1
一、绩效考核相关理论概述 2
(一)绩效和绩效考核的概念 2
(二)营销人员绩效考核的目的与意义 3
二、中泰气缸盖有限公司营销人员绩效考核的现状 4
(一) 中泰气缸盖有限公司营销人员的概况 4
(二)中泰气缸盖有限公司营销人员绩效考核的现状 4
三、中泰气缸盖有限公司营销人员绩效考核指标体系存在的问题 5
(一) 中泰气缸盖有限公司营销人员绩效考核指标体系存在的问题 5
(二) 中泰气缸盖有限公司营销人员绩效考核指标存在问题的分析 6
四、中泰气缸盖有限公司营销人员绩效考核指标体系的重建 7
(一) 中泰气缸盖有限公司营销人员绩效考核指标的选取 8
(二) 中泰气缸盖有限公司营销人员绩效考核指标权重的设计 10
参考文献 13
致谢 14,3216

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