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更新时间:2011-3-12:  来源:毕业论文

Research on the Conformity of College English Curricula
with Information Technology
ZHONG Yun-mei
The research on the conformity of college English curricula with information technology is developing in our country. But contrasted with high and elementary school, the research on that is lack .Even though the research on the conformity of college English curricula with information technology has been carried out a long time, it has little effect on improving teachers’ teaching quality and students’ study effects. Due to many factors, college English instruction has a lot of ideas and practical problems that hold back its development in the conformity. So this article will begin at how to improve abilities of college students and reform the college English contents and teaching methods deeply. On this basis, t本文出自辣文论文网http://www.751com.cn/ he conformity of college English curricula with information technology will be established actively. In general, this article mainly tells us about the conformities of curriculum concepts, importance, analyses on present situation and ways. In the process, documents research, investigations, contrasts, analyses and drawing conclusions are used. And I hope that this article can offer some useful references for the development on the conformity of college English curricula with information technology. What’s more, it can advance the informational process and improve the basic reform on the teaching ways. At the same time, the research on the conformity of college English curricula with information technology plays an important part in cultivating creative sprits and practical abilities. Besides it has a good effect on making quality and creative education to be realized in the information technology environment.
Key words: information technology; college English curriculum; concepts of conformity; importance of conformity; present situation of conformity; ways of conformity
目  录
一、信息技术与大学英语课程整合的内涵. 4
(一)信息技术与课程整合.. 4
(二)大学英语课程的整合.. 4
二、信息技术与大学英语课程整合的意义. 4
(一)有利于构建优化的学习环境,激发学生学习英语的兴趣 4
(二)有利于实现学习资源的开放性 4
(三)有利于个别化自主学习 5
三、对广州和佛山二本院校的信息技术与大学英语课程整合的现状分析. 5
(一) 广州和佛山二本院校的信息技术与大学英语课程整合的现状调查.. 5
(二) 广州和佛山二本院校的信息技术与大学英语课程整合的现状分析. 13
四、就广州和佛山二本院校的信息技术与大学英语课程整合所提的建议 17
(一)信息技术与大学英语课程整合的原则.. 17
(二)信息技术与大学英语课程整合的方法.. 19
(三)信息技术与大学英语课程整合过程中要注意的问题.. 20
五、结束语. 21
参考文献 22

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