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更新时间:2011-4-12:  来源:毕业论文

Content Analysis on the Story Teaching Material
of Kindergarten Textbook
——Take the Editions of Jiangsu Education Press, Education and Science Press and Nanjing Normal University Press as examples
摘  要
关键词:幼儿园教材 故事类作品 内容分析
This study is according to three editions by Jiangsu Education Press and Education and Science Press and Nanjing Normal University Press of story teaching material of Kindergarten Textbook,which are the main research object.The researcher analyzes the stories from the character,theme and plot ,and provids recommendations for textbook editors and teachers of kindergarten according to the conclusions.
This paper is composed of six parts:
Introduction.The story teaching material of Kindergarten Textbook is an important part of children’s literature.Its quality will 原文请找腾讯752018766辣.文-论"文.网http://www.751com.cn .
Study design.As the kindergartens don’t use the same textbook.,the researcher investigates six areas in Henan province to choose three editions which are used most popular.This study used content analysis to classify character and theme and plot,and add up the number,then a qualitative approach to interpret its meaning.
Characters of the story teaching material.The author studies the characters from types and characteristics ,finding that the main character type is animal,whose characteristics are in diversification,but it still shows shortage in some areas .
Themes of story teaching material.In this part, the researcher mainly gathers statistics and analyzes theme’s number and type.Finding that most stories contain single theme, emphasizing on simple explicit;knowledge class,moral class,emotional class are emphasis of the tale expressed,theme types are biased.
Plot of story teaching material.The author mainly studys the way of the plot,the structure of the plot and the ending.Found that Shun Syria is the main form of narration tale;story organization has common structures,the perfect ending conveys happyness.
Recommendation of the research.Based on the above conclusions,the researcher proposes the following recommendations for textbook editors,to establish the correct principles of textbook,to update the contents of the kindergarten textbook; for the kindergarten teachers,to strengthen teacher’squality of children’s literature,to guide the children enjoy the tales,emphasis on “literature”.
Key words:kindergarten textbook, story teaching material, content analysis1741

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