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学案导学课堂教学模式实施方案+研究路线图+优点缺点 第2页

更新时间:2016-8-7:  来源:毕业论文
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时代的发展,科技的进步为世界带来了天翻地覆的变化。在这样大的时代变革下,改变了人们的观点、人们的习惯、人们的生活,甚至是人们的思想。学生处于信息飞速发展的大形势下,不论是想法,还是观念都发生了巨大的变化。教师如果还拘泥于以往的教学方法,恐怕已不能够满足学生日异增长的需求,也不能够实现整体教育的发展。为了提高学生主动学习的能力,目前,许多学校在教学管理方面进行了积极的探索和实践。长治三中也在这样大形势下,进行了新的探索。本文采用查阅文献资料、调查等方法,对我校现在的课堂教学管理进行了研究,拟作此文。论文共分为三部分。第一部分是对长治三中学案导学的简要概述,主要对其内涵、发展、背景、原则、特征等问题进行阐述。makefile提示找不到文件 第二部分论述了学案导学教学中导学案的构建,主要阐述了如何进行导学案的编定与设计,及其原则与流程。第三部分探讨学案导学教学管理在中学语文教学中的应用,针对中学语文学科,具体阐述了在语文课堂如何运用导学案指导学生学习,以及实施学案导学教学管理后的教学成效分析。 www.751com.cn



Basic education curriculum reform promote changing the tendency of courses to focus on imparting knowledge, and emphasizing making the students form a proactive attitude towards learning, so that the students can learn to learn and form correct values while they get the basic knowledge and skills. In order to improve the overall quality and active learning capacity of students, currently, in many schools, they are making exploration and practice of teaching management of Learning Plan Guidance and achieved certain results. In this paper, I made an in-depth investigation and research on teaching management of Learning Plan Guidance in Changzhi No. 3 middle school by documents, interviews, survey research and other methods. The paper is divided into three parts. The first part is an overview on teaching management of Learning Plan Guidance, mainly on the content, development, background, principles, characteristics, and theoretical basis of the learning case. The second part is the construction of learning case of teaching management of Learning Plan Guidance, mainly on how to schedule and design teaching cases, its principles and processes. The third part is the application of the teaching management of  Learning Plan Guidance in Chinese teaching in secondary schools. For the secondary Chinese disciplines, it specifically addressed how to guide students learning by learning cases in Chinese classes as well as the analysis to the effectiveness of the implementation of the Learning Plan Guidance.

Key words: Learning Plan Guidance;Chinese teaching in secondary schools;Changzhi No. 3 middle school;Practice

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