我国高校新闻教育的问题与对策 摘 要:新世纪以来,我国高校新闻教育取得了长足的发展,但是在其发展的背后,也存在着诸多问题。目前,合理配置我国高校新闻教育资源、优化高校新闻教育模式,成为新阶段我国高校新闻教育迎接挑战的重要途径。以我国高校新闻教育为对象,分析我国高校新闻教育教师知识储备不足与教学设备老化、培养模式单一与教学理念落后、重理论教学、新闻教育资源共享程度低等问题,并深刻剖析问题的成因,在此基础上针对我国高校新闻教育的问题提出有效的解决措施,这将对我国高校新闻教育的调整和改革具有一定的参考价值。
Problems of College Journalism Education in China and Countermeasures
Abstract: The new century has witnessed a rapid development of college journalism education in China. Besides, there are also many problems. At present, relocation of college journalism education resources and optimization of the journalism education mode have become two important approaches in order to meet the challenges in the new era.Targeting at college journalism education in China, this thesis tries to analyze the problems such as the incompetence of teachers, aging of teaching facilities, singleness of cultivating model, backward of teaching philosophy,etc. in colleges and dissect the reasons of them. Basing on that, this thesis tries to put forward some effective solutions specific to these problems, which will have certain reference value to the adjustment and reform of college journalism education in our country.
Key words: colleges;journalism education; problems; countermeasures
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract 1
一、我国高校新闻教育存在的问题 2
(一)教师知识储备不足 教学设备老化 2
(二)培养模式单一 教学理念落后 3
(三)重理论教学 轻实践教学 4
(四)高校间的新闻教育资源共享程度低 5
二、我国高校新闻教育存在问题的原因 5
(一)新闻教育“大跃进”式仓促发展 5
(二)人才培养方案规划盲目 6
(三)偏重科研 师生实践机会少 6
(四)高校间的网络新闻教育资源共享意识淡薄 7
三、应对高校新闻教育问题的策略 7
(一)转变廉价教育理念 增加教学投入 8
(二)找准新闻教育定位 实现差异性发展 8
(三)课堂教学与实践教学双向发展 9
(四)加强高校新闻教育资源共享平台建设 10
参考文献 11,3281