初中学生生物学科学探究活动评价的方式方法研究 摘 要:科学探究活动是学习科学知识的核心。通过科学探究,使学生经历基本的科学探究过程,学习科学探究的基本方法,发展初步的科学探究能力,形成尊重事实、探索真理的科学态度。探究式学习评价的方式和结果直接影响着学生科学探究的兴趣和热情。因此对科学探究活动进行评价的过程与方法、有效评价的策略是值得我们进一步探讨的问题。本研究主要针对目前初中学生生物学科学探究活动评价的方式方法存在的问题进行分析研究,在此基础上提出解决问题的对策,以期为初中学生生物学探究性学习的评价提供参考。
The Biology Scientific Investigations on Ways and Means of Evaluation of Junior High School Student in Zhoukou city
Abstract: Scientific investigation is the core of learning scientific .Knowledge.
Through scientific inquiry,students can experience the basic scientific inquiry process,learn the basic methods of scientific inquiry,develop preliminary scientific inquiry ability and finally form the scientific attitude of respecting for the fact and seeking the truth. Evaluation of inquiry-based learning has a direct impact on the interest and enthusiasm of the students' scientific inquiry.Therefore,the process of evaluation of scientific inquiry activities and methods,effective evaluation strategy is worthy of further exploration. This study focuses on the evaluation of junior high school students' biology scientific investigations ways and means of the analytical research on issues and proposed solutions to this problem,on this basis,to provide reference for the evaluation of biological inquiry learning for junior high school students.
Key words: Zhoukou city; Biology; Scientific inquiry; Evaluation methods
目 录
摘要 1
引言 1
1问题的提出 2
2目前科学探究评价存在问题 2
2.1评价内容的狭窄 2
2.2评价方式单一 3
2.3评价主体的错位 3
2.4评价功能不全 3
3科学探究活动及其评价的新理念 3
3.1科学探究的内涵及特征 4
3.2探究活动评价的新理念及方式 4
3.2.1评价内容范围的拓宽 5
3.2.2评价方式多样化 5
3.2.3评价主体多元化 7
3.2.4评价功能多样化 8
4评价过程中需要注意的问题 8
4.1注重评价促进学生发展的功能 8
4.2注重形成性与终结性、纸笔测试与真实性评定相结合 8
4.3单一的量化评价转向与质性评价相结合评价 9
4.4注意对科学探究评定的公正性 9
结语 10
参考文献 11
致谢 12,3319