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更新时间:2016-8-29:  来源:毕业论文

VC++考试试题库系统设计毕业论文 摘要:科学技术的高低与否是显示一个国家强大的重要标准之一,而当今计算机领域的发展是最快的,如今计算机在人类生活中所发挥的作用越来越大,不仅在高新产业,在日常生活中也扮演着十分重要的地位。比如说在大学校园内,许多的数据需要存取、增加减少和处理,此时计算机就显得相当重要,它的发展给未来教育带来了美好的前景。如今在教学管理中,为实现更加公平、公正、公开、合理地进行考试,利用计算机进行试题库管理,辅助教师命题组卷已成为各大院校的重要课题之一。本系统能方便教师管理试题和生成试卷减轻教师工作量,本文来自辣&文*论~文'网,毕业论文 www.751com.cn还能控制试题的难度,有效地提高了整个出卷过程的效率和准确率。本文介绍了数字信号处理试题库系统在Microsoft Visual C++6.0环境下的实现过程:系统的分析、功能模块的设计、系统的调试和测试。
关键词:数字信号处理;试题库;Visual C++ 6.0 超市导购员暑期社会实践报告
Design of Banking on Question and Answer of Digital Signal Processing
Abstract: One of the most important standards to value a country is its technology. With its fastest developing steps, computers are, not only in high-tech field but in our daily life, playing a much more significant role in human society. When it comes to education, many universities and colleges are using computers to do the subtle job of data accessing and processing. The development of computers brings bright prospects to the future education. To meet the urgent need of fairness,impartial,opening and reasonable in teaching, professors’ using computers to give tests has become one of the most essential issues to all campus researchers. This system can make it easy for teachers to give out papers and relieve their workloads. Also, the degree of difficulty, effectiveness and accuracy can all be controlled. Thesis introduces the process of system analyzing, functional module designing, system adjusting and testing under the Digital signal processing examination system.
Key words: Digital signal processing;banking;set of questions and answers; Visual C++ 6.0
1、绪论 1
1.1 开题依据 1
1.2 系统目标 1
1.3 系统需求分析 1
1.4 环境需求分析 2
1.5 系统功能 2
1.6 系统初步构思 3
2.系统总体设计 5
2.1 系统功能模块设计 5
2.2 设计流程 6
2.3模块结构设计 7
2.4系统详细设计 16
3.设计软件介绍 31
3.1 Visual C++6.0介绍 31
3.2 SQL Server 2005介绍 31
4.数据库详细设计 32
4.1 数据库模型 32
4.2 数据字典 32
5.系统的实现 34
5.1 数据库访问层的实现 34
5.2 业务逻辑层的实现 34
5.3表示层的实现 35
6.系统关键技术 35
6.1 数据库连接技术 35
6.2 Visual C++操纵 MS Word 37
结束语 38
致谢 39
参考文献 40,2930

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