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更新时间:2016-9-1:  来源:毕业论文

C#学生学籍管理系统设计毕业论文+需求分析=组织结构图+ER图 摘  要:学生学籍管理系统主要包括后台数据库的建立和文护以及前端应用程序的开发,对于前者要求建立起数据库一致性和完整性、安全性好的数据库。而对于后者则要求应用程序功能完备易使用的特点。本系统主要完成对用户信息、班级信息、教师信息、学生信息、教师评估、课程信息、选课记录和成绩等多种数据信息的管理,包括数据库中表的录入、修改、删除等。系统还可以完成对各类信息的查询、本文来自辣&文*论~文'网,毕业论文 www.751com.cn 加7位QQ324,9114找源文录入、修改、删除等功能,其中学籍管理用户包括管理员、教师和学生。

Student Registration Management System
Abstract: The student registration management system mainly includes establish and maintenance of the background database and development of front application program. For the former a database with good consistency, good integrity and good security is required, however, the latter needs the application program with complete function and must be easy to use. This system mainly completes managing user information, class information, teacher information, student information, teacher assessment, course information, course selection records and course score, including entry, modification and deletion of tables in the database. The system also accomplishes inquiry, record, modification and deletion function of all kinds of information, accordingly its users including administrators, teachers and students.
   Key Words: The management information system; Student registration management system; Relational database.
目    录

摘  要 2
1 绪论 3
1.1 C#简介 3
1.2 SQL server 2008简介 3
2 需求分析 3
2.1 系统分析 3
2.2 可行性分析 4
2.3 功能需求 4
2.4 性能需求 5
2.5 系统流程分析图 5
3 系统设计 7
3.1 设计思想 7
3.2 数据库设计 7
3.3  安全性机制设计 9
4 系统实现 10
4.1 系统登录窗体 10
4.2 系统管理员模块 10
4.3 系统学生管理模块 10
4.4 系统教师管理模块 11
结  论 11
参考文献 12
致谢 13,2960

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