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更新时间:2016-9-11:  来源:毕业论文

JSP图书资料管理系统的设计与实现 摘  要:现在人们经常出入图书馆进行学习,而大多数图书馆管理都是人工操作,工作人员的工作量大,容易出错,管理繁琐。本论文设计的基于JSP的图书资料管理系统实现了图书借还,图书管理,用户管理,系统管理等功能,使图书馆管理信息化,减轻了管理员的工作。该系统界面简单、易用,信息处理速度快和准确性高。

The Design and Implementation of Book Data Management System Based on JSP
Abstract: Now people usually study in library. But most of the libraries’ management is manual operation. The workload of the workers is so heavy that they are easy to make mistakes and the management of the library is complicated. This thesis introduces the design of book data management system based on JSP. It realizes the books borrow, books management, user management, system management and other functions and makes the library management informatization. It also reduces the administrator’s work. In addition, this system has some advantages, such as using simply, high speed and accurate information process.
Key Words: Manual operation; Library management information; JSP
目    录

摘  要 1
关键字 1
引言 1
1.相关知识介绍 2
2.需求分析 3
3.功能设计 3
3.1总体架构设计 3
3.2功能模块设计 4
4.系统实现 6
4.1数据库设计 6
4.2模块实现 8
5.总结 10
参考文献 10,3009

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