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更新时间:2016-9-25:  来源:毕业论文

vb计算器程序设计毕业论文 摘  要:计算器是一个常用的Windows附件,该计算器的特点是打开速度快,占用内存小能够实现简单的四则运算功能和科学计算,界面设计简洁大方。菜单栏,实现用户显示输入输出的编辑框。我选用VB 6.0作为设计工具,本设计尝试用VB来设计实现类似的计算器,希望通过本设计来巩固所学,学有所用。

Design A Calculator with VB
Abstract:Calculator is a commonly used Windows attachment, the calculator is characterized by open speed, small memory to achieve a simple function of the four operations and advanced scientific computing, interface design is simple and generous. Menu bar, realize the user display input and output of the edit box. I choose VB 6as a design tool, the design attempts to use the VB to design similar to a calculator, hope that through the design to consolidate the, to learn.
Key Words: VB programming; Calculator; Program
目    录

摘  要 1
引言 1
1.绪论 1
 1.1选题背景 1
 1.2任务与分析 2
2.方案设计 2
 2.1设置窗体布局 2
 2.2控件的选择 2
 2.3设置属性 2
 2.4程序的设计思路 3
3.主要界面设计 3
 3.1系统界面设计 3
 3.2程序输入规范 4
 3.3系统程序设计 4
 3.4保存及生成可执行文件 5
总结 5
参考文献 7
致谢 8,3146

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