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更新时间:2016-9-25:  来源:毕业论文

JSP+mysql作业管理系统的设计与实现+需求分析+总体设计 摘  要:随着计算机技术和互联网的快速发展,计算机科学技术被广泛应用于各个领域,教育领域也不例外。利用计算机辅助教学和管理资源,可以便捷有效在网上统一管理和文护各种教学资源。本论文实现了作业管理的自动化、集成化和无纸化,使师生之间的交流更方便,效率更高。此作业管理系统是基于MVC模式、Java的Struts2技术和Mysql数据库开发的,实现了老师可以在线发布作业和批改作业等功能;学生可以上传和下载作业、查看成绩等。

The Design and Implementation of Job Management System
Abstract:With the wild-spreading computer technique and Internet, computer science and technology is widely used in all kinds of domains, as well as education domain. People take advantage of the computer to assist in teaching and to manage resource, which bring about the great revolution in education domain. The job management system suggested by us can achieve the automation and integration of paperless job management, which makes more convenient and effective in the communication between teachers and students.Our job management system is based on MVC model, JAVA, Struts2 technology and developed with Mysql database. Teachers can publish their homework online, grade homework, manage homework and score and so on with the job management system. Students can upload and download homework, query their score and so on.
Key Words: Job management system; Java; Jsp;Mysql
目    录

摘  要 1
1.绪  论 1
1.1项目背景 2
1.2目的和意义 2
2.技术概要 3
2.1 MVC介绍 3
2.2 JSP简介 4
2.3 Struts2 框架 4
2.4 MYSQL数据库 5
2.5 TOMCAT服务器 5
3.需求分析 6
3.1开发环境 6
3.2系统性能需求 6
3.3系统功能需求 7
4.总体设计 7
4.1 数据库设计 7
4.2系统设计 8
5.系统主要功能的实现 9
5.1管理员界面 10
5.2教师界面 10
5.3学生登录界面 11
6.结论 11,3147

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