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更新时间:2016-10-23:  来源:毕业论文

越野车虚拟展示系统设计+虚拟现实+三文建模 摘要: 上世纪九十年代,计算机网络以其卓越的优势迅猛的发展起来,随着网络技术的发展,一系列的网上的展示系统也随之发展起来。目前,汽车展示系统的应用就极为广泛。本文的课题是越野车虚拟展示系统,要使用虚拟交互来实现对越野车的三文展示,外观浏览及特点说明等功能。本次设计中实现的功能有:摄像机漫游,使摄像机可以按照固定的轨道来移动。摄像机自由移动,使摄像机可以没有限制的从各个角度观看车辆。摄像机切换,开关门,背景音乐的播放,汽车的说明文字等。心理契约相关理论文献综述
关键词: 三文建模;虚拟现实;越野车展示。
Off-road vehicle virtual display system design
Abstract:  The last century ninety's, computer network with its outstanding advantages of swift and violent development, along with the development of network technology, a series of online display system also develop subsequently rise. At present, auto show system application is very extensive.The topic of this paper is off-road vehicle virtual display system, to use the virtual interaction to achieve the SUV 3D display, the appearance of browsing and features and other functions. The design of the function can be achieved: the camera roaming, so that the camera can be fixed in accordance with the track to move. The camera so that the camera can move freely, without restriction from every angle of vehicle. Camera switching, opening and closing of a door, the background music, the car of the captions.
Keywords: 3D modeling; virtual reality; cross-country car show
摘要 i
Abstract i
目录 ii
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题的目的和意义 1
1.2 虚拟现实技术概述 1
2 分析 3
2.1 越野车的发展历史 3
2.2 国内外现状 5
2.3 虚拟展示系统发展趋势 5
3 设计 8
3.1 系统开发平台介绍 8
3.1.1 Virtools软件介绍: 8
3.1.2 3dsmax9软件介绍 12
3.1.3 Photoshop软件介绍 13
3.2 三文建模 14
3.2.1 场景建模 14
3.2.2 场景贴图 20
3.2.3 渲染及导出 22
3.3 VIRTOOLS脚本制作 23
3.3.1 模型导入及属性设定 23
3.3.2 开关门 24
3.3.3 摄像机的切换 26
3.3.4 摄像机自由视角 27
3.3.5 摄像机漫游 28
3.3.6 越野车文字介绍 29
3.3.7 背景音乐功能 33
4 结论 35
致谢 36
参考文献 37,3471

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