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番茄酱制备工艺设计_日处理600吨番茄的工艺流程设计 第2页

更新时间:2016-8-25:  来源:毕业论文
Ketchup preparation technological design 
Description of design:
  In recent years, the domestic ketchup's production development root was quick. The production equipment is mainly from the overseas introduction, aseptic processed foods, outside wrapping iron bucket.Product selling to overseas, the benefit is good. The solid import equipment automaticity is very high, the traditional production technology and the quality control did not adapt with it. For the quality assurance, sharpens the productivity, consults the domestic and foreign related literature material, designs suits the small and medium-sized enterprise the ketchup technique of production. 
In this design, by fresh local tomato taste raw material, through to tomato's cleaning, stave, preheating, the concentration, sterilizes again and so on a series of technique of production. Searches related material and raw material craft data and the technological parameter, draws the technical process schematic diagram, the workshop general arrangement, the determination production decision. Carries on again the design process the main material balance and the thermal graduated arm calculated. Then carries on the equipment shaping, the examination, finally draws up the flow chart. 

1 The source task
 Design scope: Japan processed 600 tons tomato the technological designs to take the simulation design, this article has abbreviated the chemical design partial contents, like craft pipeline design, explosion-proof electrical design, power design and factory whole arrangement and so on. 

2 Design Standards
The design references the following national standards and regulations.
(1)Production of dangerous goods and harmful factors in classification and code.(GB/T13816-1992)
(2)Dangerous chemical commonly used in the classification criteria. (GB13690-1992)
(3)Typical chemical medium pressure vessel explosion hazards and safety levels. (HGJ43-1991)
(4)Factory fire safety requirements.(GBJ16-1987)
(5)Integrated wastewater discharge requirements.(GBJ8978)
(6)Steel pressure vessel.(GB150)
(7)The standard shell and tube heat exchanger.(GB151)
(8)System and Equipment layout design requirements.(HG20570)
(9)Chemical plant piping design requirements.(HG/T20549)
3 Design principles and key design indicators
(1)Safety: production of large quantities of chemical substances are flammable, 2explosive or toxic Therefore, the design must take into account all significant and potential risk, to ensure the health and safety of production personnel.
(2)Easy to operate: In determining the production process and equipment all at the same time, should rationally determine the operating conditions. Because of its production process and equipment to establish its role in the play and control scheme, and has a direct relationship.
(3)Investment Province: Which called for economic use of equipment investment, civil engineering, public works, investment and labor costs?
(4)Easy to install: Plant layout should meet the operational requirements of the construction and installation. In particular, should consider the hoisting of large equipment, factory and load road pavement construction and installation standards should meet the requirements.
(5)Basis of calculation:  
             Produces 600tons, the product purity is 22%~24% ,35%~38%
           The year working day is 300 days
              uses one day of threee shifts system 

Key word: Ketchup; Stave; Process design; Process design 

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