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基于Client/Server 的课件系统的设计与实现

更新时间:2007-9-25:  来源:毕业论文
摘 要:本文讨论基于Client/Server的智能计算机辅助教学(ICAI)的实现技术,据此采用VB、SQL Server、IIS等开发平台,建立了一个用于高等数学教学的ICAI试验系统。

关键词:Client/Server CAI ICAI 课件

The Development Techniques for Client/Server-based ICAI System

Wang Changda

Department of Computer Science, JiangSu University of Science and Technology

(ZhengJiang JiangSu Province 212003)

Abstract: The paper discussed the development techniques of implementation of Client/Server-based ICAI system. By using the platforms of VB, SQL Server and IIS, a network ICAI prototype system for advance mathematics teaching is developed.

Abstract: The paper discussed the development techniques of implementation of Client/Server-based ICAI system. By using the platforms of VB, SQL Server and IIS, a network ICAI prototype system for advance mathematics teaching is developed.

Key Words: Client/Server CAI ICAI Courseware Client/Server CAI ICAI Courseware

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