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Delphi+SQL Server小型连锁超市进销存系统

更新时间:2007-9-25:  来源:毕业论文




This thesis regards small-scale chain supermarket as research object, summarized the current situation of chain supermarket's purchase sell and store system at present, according to the workflow of the present supermarket, develop a purchasesell and store system of the small-scale chain supermarket. I regard cycle law of the life as the systematic development method, have made detailed system excogitation which that base on the analysis of requirement. It includes the design of whole ensemble architecture, function module design, network structure and choose platform of the system. Because the chain supermarket manages are intricately, the goods are various, so the thesis focus on the design database and the procedure design. The system’s interface draws lessons from the interface style " yifei ERP system ", and has realized the third party controlling part dbtreeview's function through the procedure .

Key words purchasesell and stock management, system of information, system of MIS203

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