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电子商务网络安全毕业设计英文原文及翻译 第2页

更新时间:2007-10-15:  来源:毕业论文

Well, maybe not exactly. After all, unlike the human immune system, which produces defenses, or antibodies, automatically, the computer must wait for a human to analyze samples of a computer virus, prepare antidotes and vaccines for that specific situation, and only then apply the cure.
This observation alone would seem to discredit the idea of a “digital immune system” that the security community has tossed around during the past few years, but there’s an even more important point to consider. Similar to the way that autoimmune diseases turn the body’ s own defenses against itself, so could one turn a viruslike software delivery system against its own computers. Although it would be difficult to monkey with the digital certificates that would conceivably be used to identify trusted patches, it’s not impossible to subvert the certificate issuing system, as Microsoft and VeriSign found to their dismay last March.
Ultimately, a viruslike software delivery system would require software publishers to deliberately put a back door into their systems, and few customers will tolerate that practice, even under shrinkwrap licensing terms. Because there’s no guarantee that such a tempting target wouldn’t be exploited by hackers, any IT manager deploying such a system would be foolhardy in the extreme.
Virus behavior that standpoint go to see from the operate system, is some normal behaviors, and say for the operate system that don't break the law , therefore at kill the virus software to check to kill the virus, usually meeting because operate system of obstruction-" the document was take upped by system and can't change the code at system "," virus the inside to circulate" etc. reason, but can't  clean the virus clearance.Therefore, we at kill the virus of time also want to speak to investigate some techniques, and go to the round over the operate system's obstruction, from  success of virus is from the system
Speak here of kill the virus method is:Kill the virus with the tool under the safe mode to kill the virus under the pure DOS mode.
  Why want the pure DOS mode to down kill the virus?
  Because the virus procedure is under the operate system explain the mode to circulate o, such as:Script virus" new and happiness time",  virus etc., they can't circulate in the inside memory, and system also argue all legal procedures but as to it's take in to protect, and guarantee it  continue to circulate, prohibition against in the movement procedure right proceed modification, this result ined virus can't quilt the clearance's reason.But result for aegis for having under the pure DOS mode, connecting the Windows operate system all don't can quilt circulating, virus more impossible movement, for this reason this hour as to it's checking killing, round over system, attaining cleanly killing the virus.
The usage special tool under the safe mode to kill the virus
  The each of Windows operate system for edition all contain a safe mode to circulate the way, and here circulate the way bottom can only circulate the most basic procedure, again this mode bottom, you can cancel all of from start the item,avoid the virus's movement.Its special tool is small and very shrewd, and use it can under the safe mode normal movement.Its weakness is a result for can aim atting the popular virus of some comparisons, can't attaining completely killing the virus.
For attain to kill the clean virus result, we can synthesize to use these two kinds of methods.
Kill the virus not equal to defend the virus, and hard work should be protected .

Privacy-Protecting techniques
In this chapter, we will look at some proven techniques to protect your privacy when you use the Internet. Most of these techniques are simple, commonsense rules that you can put into effect immediately-choosing a good service provider, using good password, cleaning up after yourself online, avoiding Spam and junk email, and protecting yourself from identity theft.

Choosing a good service provider
The first and most important technique for protecting your privacy is to pick service providers who respect your privacy.
Here are some things to consider when you choose an ISP:
. Unless you take special measures to obscure the content and destinations of your Internet usage, your ISP can monitor every single web page that you visit, every email message that you send, every email message that you receive, and many others about your Internet usage.
. If you have a dialup ISP ,your ISP can also infer when you are at home ,when you go on vacation, and other aspects of your schedule.
. If you check your email from work ,your ISP can learn where you work.
. Many ISPs routinely monitor the actions of their subscribers for the purposes of testing equipment, learning about their user population, or collecting per-user demographics.
. Some ISPs will monitor the web sites that you visit and sell this information for the purpose of increasing their revenue. In some cases, the ISPs clearly state this policy and, in fact ,use the sale of the data as a way of subsidizing the cost of Internet access .Other ISPs silently engage in this practice.
. Equipment is now on the market that allows ISPs to monitor the advertisements that are downloaded to your computer and ,in some case, replace the advertisements with different ones. This equipment is also capable of generating detailed user-level statistics.
. Some ISPs have strict policies regarding which employees have access to user data and how that data must be protected .Other ISPs have no policies at all.
. Many policies that are in use basically say “we can monitor anything that we want.”However,not all ISPs that have these policies actually monitor their users.
Picking a Great Password
Passwords are the simplest from of authentication. Passwords are a secret that you share with the compurter.When you log in, you type your password to prove to the computer that you are who you claim to be. The computer ensures that the password you type matches the account that you have specified. If they match, you allowed to proceed.
Using good passwords for your Internet service is a first line of defense for your privacy. If you pick a password that is easy to guess, then somebody who is targeting you will find it easier to gain access to your personal information. If you use the same password on a variety of different services ,then a person who is able to discover the password for one of your services will be able to access other services.
Good Passwords: locked Doors
Good passwords are passwords that are difficult to guess. The best passwords are difficult to guess because they:
-Have both uppercase and lowercase letters
-Have digits and/or punctuation characters as well as letters
-May include some control characters and /of spaces
-Are easy to remember, so they do not have to be written down
-Are at least seven of eight characters long
-Can be typed quickly ,so somebody cannot determine what you type by watching over your shoulder
It is easy to pick a good password. Here are some suggestions:
.Take two short words and combine them with a special character or a number, like robot4my or eye-con.
.Put together an acronym that is special to you, like Notfsw(None of this fancy stuff works),auPEGC(All Unix programmers eat green cheese),or Ttl*Hiww(Twinkle,twinkle,little star. How I wonder what…).
Cleaning Up After Yourself
When you use the Internet, you leave traces of the web sites that you visit and the information that you see on your computer. Another person can learn a lot about the web sites that you have visited by examining your computer for these electronic footprints. This process of computer examination is called computer forensics, and it has become a hot area of research in recent years. Special-purpose programs can also examine your computer and either prepare a report, or transmit the report over the Internet to someone else.
Although it can be very hard to remove all traces of a web site that you have seen or an email message that you have downloaded, you can do a good job of cleaning up your computer with only a small amount of work. There are also a  growing number of programs that can automatically clean up your computer at regular intervals as we will see in the next chapter.
Avoiding Spam and Junk Email
Unwanted electronic mail is the number one consumer complaint on the Internet today. A 1999 study by BrightMail,a company that develops antispam technology, found that 84 percent of Internet users had received Spam;42 percent loathed the time it takes to handle Spam;30 percent found it to be a “significant invasion of privacy;”15 percent found it offensive; and ISPs suffered account churn rates as high as 7.2 percent as a direct result of Spam.
Protect Your Email Address
To send you junk mail, a spammer must have your email address. By understanding how spammers get email addresses, you can keep your mailbox relatively Spam-free: Do not put your email address on your home page, Take your name out of online directories, Do not post to public mailing lists, Do not post to Usenet, Pick an unusual username.

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