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更新时间:2007-10-2:  来源:毕业论文




     在过去几年中,随着对自己在信息技术方面投资的重新审视,很多工作公司都得出这样一个结论:最重要的事情是更充分地利用已有的计算资源。因此,利用率的重要性就不断增加。从有限的 IT 预算中榨取更多功能已经很有必要。


从制造业来看 —— 它们将自己的大部分资源都投入到了利润最高的产品中 —— 工作负载管理的目标是将计算资源分配给最重要的应用程序。我们称之为工作负载优化(workload optimization。这是一个非常有吸引力的概念,不过它可以表示很多业务转换的挑战。例如,我们如何确定企业中到底是哪些东西构成了组件或组织上最重要的工作呢?

现在,这种概念所产生的潜在生产力和与向工作负载优化转化的趋势相关的商业利益都仍然如此巨大,因此这个概念还不可能被丢弃。网格计算背后的思想是解决平衡和重新分配现有 IT 资源所需要的压力。本文就是探讨了关于网格计算的一些新思想。



关键字:网格计算   需求   智能    资源   新思想








As companies have re-examined their investments in information technology during the past few years, many have come to the conclusion that it is essential to more fully leverage the computing assets they already have. Therefore, the importance of utilization has increased. It has become necessary to squeeze more functionality from a limited IT budget.

Also, there is a particular appeal to being able to intelligently allocate finite resources to the appropriate business applications in a distributed enterprise. This technique offers the corporation a certain flexibility, whether in the form of being able to redistribute resources to address new market segments or enabling business applications to better serve rapidly evolving, existing clientele.

Taking a cue from the manufacturing line -- which dedicates most of its resources to the production of the most profitable products -- workload management aims to allocate computing resources to the most important applications. We refer to this as workload optimization. It's an attractive notion, although it can present quite a few business transformation challenges. For example, how do you decide what constitutes the most important work across the various components, or organizations, in an enterprise?

Still, the potential productivity gains and business benefits associated with the trend toward workload optimization are too great for the concept to be abandoned. The idea behind grid computing is aimed squarely at addressing the pressing need to leverage and reallocate existing IT resources. This paper investigates these new ideas.



Key Word: Grid computing   appeal    intelligently    resources     new ideas

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