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新一代互连网技术之网格计算虚拟的超级计算机 第29页

更新时间:2007-10-2:  来源:毕业论文




Grid guru: An interview with Argonne's Steve Tuecke

Tuecke has seen the future of distributed computing on the Grid, and Java technology is a key element

Although scientists have been using Grid technologies since the Condor project began scavenging up idle computer cycles at the University of Wisconsin in the mid-1980s, the really exciting vision of Grid computing -- a set of open and ubiquitous standards that real world developers will use for distributed computing -- remains a vision of the future. One of the people most actively involved in making that vision a reality is Steve Tuecke, lead software architect in the Distributed Systems Laboratory at Argonne National Laboratory and lead architect of the Globus Toolkit, the popular implementation of the OGSA (Open Grid Services Architecture) middleware standards that are the basis of Grid computing.

Since he first began work on the I-Way supercomputing network seven years ago, software architect Steve Tuecke has been one of the driving forces behind Grid computing. He is lead software architect in the Distributed Systems Laboratory at Argonne National Laboratory and lead architect of the Globus Toolkit, the de facto standard open source Grid middleware solution and the inspiration for the emerging standard OGSA (Open Grid Services Architecture), which it implements in the recent Globus Toolkit 3.0 alpha release. Steve is well positioned to offer insight on this cutting-edge technology area. And he did just that in this interview with developerWorks correspondent Robert McMillan.

developerWorks: Why is there so much interest in the Grid right now?

Tuecke: I think it's the confluence of a few events. One is during the mid- to late-1990s, there was a huge explosion of connectivity. This explosion really put the infrastructure in place that let companies realistically talk about outsourcing their capabilities, or setting up networks with their partners.

A second thing is that during this same period -- certainly in scientific computing -- we observed larger and larger collaborations coming together to work. So, increasingly, scientific teams were not made up of just a single principal investigator and a few graduate students; they would be large collaborations, on an international scale. You'd get things like these high-energy physics detectors, where it would take a collaboration of a thousand physicists to build these things.

And so that push toward collaboration spurred the need to start working across the traditional organizational boundaries. Groups of people began coming together for a single research purpose, not because they worked for the same laboratory.

dW: Java technology has been used in the Grid world for some time now, but in the last year J2EE has become more important to Grid computing. What do you see the Java platform's role on the Grid?

Tuecke: Ignoring Grid computing for a moment, let's just think about where Java itself has caught hold. The first big place Java got a grip was within the portal server-side community. As business started adopting these products and good tool sets came out, this started getting uptake also within the scientific community as well. So several years ago, you started seeing people trying to build Web-based user interfaces to Grid environments using Java as a translation medium.

The other thing that's happened over the last couple of years is the emergence of J2EE as one of the two new dominant platforms (along with .Net) for building next-generation business infrastructure. That platform, as a basis for doing a whole lot of interesting business server-side applications, has really exploded as well.

The third comment I'd make is that Java has seen a very big adoption for educational purposes. I think the educational environment really picked up on Java as an instructional

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