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更新时间:2008-3-11:  来源:毕业论文



关键词  8031  单片机  控制系统 

Title    Device For Intelligent Digital Control System               



This paper discusses the keyboard as input device,LED digital control

Equipment as the output of SCM Control System Design and Implementation.

Drawing on the first circuit schematic and PCB plans PROTELL33 working environment are described in detail.Then the analysis of the structure of the hardware to be used by the 80318155 the working principle is analyzed,Meanwhile on the keyboard and LED digital display of the working principle of detail. The circuit design is based on this.Finally use the simulator Hardware and related software for integrated debugging.Thus

Completing the 8031 development of the use of the control system for

Installation.Successful deveolopment of the device,the FPGA can be used

to optimize the external circuit. 

Keywords  8031  SCM  Contorl System

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