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VB+Access物流运输管理系统 第2页

更新时间:2008-6-28:  来源:毕业论文

VB+Access物流运输管理系统 第2页



计算机科学系 20043 





Transport Logistics Management Information System Analysis and Design

Zhao Yang, Class 3 Grade 2004, Department of Computer Science


Abstract: In the 21st century, "the information to promote industrialization," the development of ideas has accelerated the development of enterprises. Enterprises The implementation of information technology initiative of a significant increase for logisticsmanagement information provides a good opportunity. In particular In recent years, with trade globalization and world economic integration, China has gradually become a worldmanufacturing in Heart and procurement centre, the rapid development of the logistics industry, logistics enterprises as the "third source of profit" Therefore, in all walks of life attention. In this context, the logistics of accelerating the transformation of the transport industry, industrial upgrading process equally pressing need to use information systems to achieve through the entire logistics process to achieve rapid response to market changes and optimizing the allocation of logistics resources, raising the level of logistics services and reduce logistics costs.
Key words: Transport Logistics Management Information System

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