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邮政客户经理管理系统网站管理及系统安全 第2页

更新时间:2008-7-10:  来源:毕业论文









With the increasingly fierce market competition, The postal enterprises to improve sales, Marketing and service automation, And scientific has become an urgent requirement, Which requires an accurate, Full and accurate production data and customer information to provide strong support. In the postal enterprises in the postal account manager responsible for the maintenance of customer relationships, The development of postal services. Client manager to deal with every day are often a lot of customer data exchanges for the centralized management of data, Strengthening the customer assessment and management, Improve work efficiency, It is necessary to achieve a client manager of information technology management. Development of the system is designed to meet the manager of the management of postal customers demand, In easy-to-use, design a set of practical principles based on B / S structure of the client manager management system.

Post client manager Management System is the development of postal customers in order to satisfy the needs of managers, in easy-to-use, design a set of practical principles based on B/S structure of the management system. Web site management and security settings subsystem is the entire postal system, managers of the important components, including marketing website information dissemination and marketing document management, user management system and network security settings. The whole system of public information to achieve the dynamic publishing, and document management will file upload, download and delete and so on, Also to the entire system of each user on a detailed set of permissions. Papers on the entire system of business needs analysis, and system design and outline systems, but also to design systems used by the related technology were introduced.

Key words: Post client manager management system, ASP.NET,, B / S architecture, database design, C

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