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PowerBuilder+SQL Server医药GSP管理系统

更新时间:2008-8-3:  来源:毕业论文
PowerBuilder+SQL Server医药GSP管理系统



本文阐述了利用结构化生命周期开发方法开发医药GSP管理系统的全过程,使用PowerBuilder 9.0作为前台界面设计,SQL Server 2000作为后台数据库设计,设计开发了由药品信息管理和GSP管理两个子系统组成的基于C/S模式的医药GSP管理系统。根据医药企业实际操作过程中的功能需求,以较小的投入获得良好的系统可靠性,降低项目风险的同时,增强了项目进度的可控程度。


关键词:GSP;信息系统;PowerBuilder 9.0SQL Server 2000

The Management Information System of Medicine and GSP



With economic globalization and integration, since China joined in the WTO, the pharmaceutical enterprises develop rapidly, and drug’s regulatory system improved continuously, drug industry has become more intense competition, the management how to make drugs safer and more effective is another challenge that faced by enterprises. GSP management must be implemented, which makes the management of drugs be legal, scientific and standardized, and which is the prerequisite that the pharmaceutical enterprises enter the international market and participate in the market competition.

The management information system of medicine and GSP is the inevitable product of pharmaceutical industry’s development, according to the methods of the hospitals’ drug management and the national drug management system, which establishes an informational day-to-day management mechanism of drugs, strengthens the quality management of drugs, achieves the automation entry of information and the high-speed of information processing, and avoiding the occurrence of the data’s redundancy and duplication, or even an error.

This paper describes the entire process that using the structure of the life-cycle to develop the management information system of medicine and GSP, the design chooses PowerBuilder 9.0 as the development tools for foreground software, and SQL Server 2000 as the development tools for background database, designing and developing the system based on C/S model that composed of two subsystems, which are the pharmaceutical information management and the GSP management. According to the actual operation of the needed functions of pharmaceutical enterprises, getting good system reliability with a smaller investment, reducing project risk, and enhancing the controllable level of the project’s progress.
Keyword: GSP; Information Systems; PowerBuilder 9.0; SQL Server 2000  96

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