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PowerBuilder+SQL Server医药GSP管理系统 第14页

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PowerBuilder+SQL Server医药GSP管理系统 第14页




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附录A 外文文献及其中文翻译


Nanjing Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
——GSP Management System


Nanjing Pharmaceutical Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as NPC) is the first listed company for Pharmaceutical circulation in China. It was set up in Jan. 1994 with the approval by the System Reform Commission of Nanjing Municipality in the form of oriented placement on the basis of its predecessor “Nanjing Pharmaceutical Company” founded in 1951. On June 71996. it started to sell stocks in public with the approval by China Security Supervision and Regulatory Commission, and on July 1 that year, it was listed at Shanghai Stock Exchange (with the stock code 600713). It has a registered capital of RMB 194,260,716 yuan. The Company has been making profits throughout all the 51 years since its founding, and in 2004 it realized sales income of RMB 5.2 billion yuan, with primary operation profit of RMB 422 million yuan (as accounted in the combined statement), and its total assets have mounted to RMB 3.1 billion yuan. According to statistics for the trade as published by China Pharmaceutical Commerce Association, in 2003, among the 100 top Pharmaceutical enterprises of the nation in terms of sales amount, Nanjing Pharmaceutical Company Limited ranked at the fourth place, and among the 100 top Pharmaceutical enterprises of the nation in terms of profit and taxes, Nanjing Pharmaceutical Company Limited ranked at the eighth place; in 2004, among the top 100 Pharmaceutical enterprises of China as determined by China Pharmaceutical Enterprise Management Association, Nanjing Pharmaceutical Company Limited ranked the thirteenth place. In Dec. 2001, with the approval by the State Ministry of Personnel, NPC established the “enterprise post-doctorate workstation”. Since 2002, NPC has been appraised as “E-commerce pilot enterprise of Jiangsu Province”, “National level E-commerce pilot enterprise” and “Production, learning, research and practice base for higher schools in Nanjing”, and has also been listed as a national team enterprise, the only one for major support and with annual sales volume of RMB 5 billion yuan or over in the Pharmaceutical circle of Jiangsu Province.
In recent years, the Company has gradually set up a modern regional medicine logistics system covering different areas with its profound capital capacity and advanced IT technological means. The primary operation of the Company covers more than 20000 varieties of products in four major categories of medicine, Pharmaceutical apparatus, chemical reagents and glass instruments, to mseek for maxium benefits and efficiency from the scaled economy. NPC attaches great importance to quality management, and regards quality as its life. It has been strictly implementing the requirements in the GSP specification of the nation, and has obtained the GSP authentication certificate from the State Food and Drug Administration. NPC has its primary operation on more than 20000 varieties of products in four major categories of medicine, Pharmaceutical apparatus, chemical reagents and glass instruments, with its scope of operation extending all over the country. It is maintaining close trading exchanges with dozens of famous domestic and overseas transnational pharmaceutical enterprises, as an important procurement and supply center in East China. It is also a designated organization for strategic reserves of medicine and Pharmaceutical apparatus at the provincial level of Jiangsu Province, delegated with the right to handle import and export operations. The Company now has nearly twenty sole invested or holding Pharmaceutical companies in conformity with the national GSP specification, such as Nanjing Pharmaceutical Logistic Distribution Center, the Import and Export Branch Company, Nanjing Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., NPC Hefei Tianxing Co., Ltd., NPC Hefei Tianrun Co., Ltd., Fujian Tongchun Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., NPC Yandu Co., Ltd., NPC (Huai’an) Tianyi Co., Ltd., NPC Nantong Jianqiao Co., Ltd., NPC Yizheng Co., Ltd., Nanjing Pharmaceutical Guoyao Co., Ltd., NPC Baixin Pharmacy Co., Ltd., and about 500 affiliated drug retail and chain stores. It has formed a trans-regional marketing network and modern medicine logistics system covering areas of Jiangsu, Anhui, Fujian and Shanghai with a total population of nearly 300 million, with operation scale nearly RMB 7 billion yuan and end customer coverage over 35%, playing an important role in the medicine procurement and supply in East China.
The Company has emphasized the research and development of new products. Nanjing Life Energy Scientific and Technological Development Co., Ltd., a holding company of NPC and as a provincial level technological development center of Jiangsu Province, has been taking science and technology as the lead and attaching great importance to the conversion of scientific research results. The company has invested a total of RMB 200 million yuan in the development of new drugs since 1998, and has obtained certificates and production approval for nearly 30 varieties of new drugs and clinical research approval for 10 varieties of new drugs, and has signed long term scientific and technological cooperation agreements with famous research institutes and higher schools in the country.
  The various drugs made by Nanjing Hencer Pharmacy, Nanjing Tongrentang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Nanjing Meirui Pharma Co., Ltd. affiliated to the Company have passed the national GMP certification. They have production buildings having undergone technical transformation as per GMP requirements and advanced Pharmaceutical production equipment and lines, with stringent production and quality management systems, and the entire production processes are in full conformity with the drug production quality management specification approved by the state. The products are highly effective and in good quality, with novel package. Quite a number of products have been awarded titles of excellent quality product of the nation, the province and municipality. The products are being marketed all over the country and also to Hong Kong, Macao and countries and regions in Southeast Asia. The solely invested enterprise Nanjing Hencer Pharmacy has seven advanced production lines, including the preparation workshop, Chinese herb medicine extraction workshop, raw material drug workshop and injection medicine workshop. In 2001, six drug preparations of tablet, capsule, granule, solution, eyedrop and raw material drug passed the GMP certification by the National Drug Supervision Bureau. The products include: prepared Chinese medicine for biological engineering compound earthworm capsule, Ibandronic acid sodium injection solution, Tobramycin eyedrop, weight reduction medicine Sibutramine hydrochloride capsules, national preserved Chinese medicine variety cardiodynia recovery capsule, and Cetylpyridinium Chloride gargarism; the holding enterprise Nanjing Tongrentang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. has a long history, its predecessor being Nanjing Branch of Beiping

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