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PowerBuilder+SQL Server医药GSP管理系统 第15页

更新时间:2008-8-3:  来源:毕业论文

PowerBuilder+SQL Server医药GSP管理系统 第15页

ongrentang Jingdu Lejia Shop, having been awarded the honorable title of “Time-honored Shop of China”, and its products have been enjoying high reputation both at home and overseas, such as the famous traditions prepared Chinese medicine “grand veins and artery relieving pills”, “bezoar sedative pills”, “eyesight-improving bolus of noble dendrobium” and “white phoenix bolus of black-bone chicken”, the special effect Chinese medicine “urinary calculus removal granular formulation”, a pioneer product in China to treat calculus in the urinary system that has been awarded silver prize of the state, the national level new medicine and famous product of Jiangsu Province “relieving cough and reducing sputum granular formulation” and “Ruining granular formulation”; Nanjing Meirui Pharma Co., Ltd., a joint venture of the NPC with a Swedish company, is mainly engaged in the production of natural drug preparations and chemical synthesis drugs, and has built its professional production line for urological medicine. The prostatitis treatment drug “Shenitong”, developed by the company after introduction from abroad, has achieved an annual sales amount of over RMB 100 million yuan with a single variety.






南京制药有限公司(以下简称为NPC)是医药流通在中国的第一个上市公司,It was set up in Jan. 1994 with the approval by the System Reform Commission of Nanjing Municipality in the form of oriented它成立于19941月,以审批制度改革委员会、南京市委和市政府的形式,正式成立。它的前身是南京制药公司,成立于1951年。 On June 7, 1996, it started to sell stocks in public with the approval by China Security Supervision and Regulatory Commission, and on July 1 that year, it was listed at Shanghai Stock Exchange (with the stock code 600713).199667,由中国安全监管和监督管理委员会批准,它开始向公众出售股票,并于这一年的71,它被列在上海证券交易所(股票代码600713)。It has a registered capital of RMB 194,260,716 yuan.它的注册资本金为人民币194260716元。 The Company has been making profits throughout all the 51 years since its founding, and in 2004 it realized sales income of RMB 5.2 billion yuan, with primary operation profit of RMB 422 million yuan (as accounted in the combined statement), and its total assets have mounted to RMB 3.1 billion yuan.在所成立51年以来,该公司一直赢利。并于2004年,它实现销售收入人民币52.00亿元,主要经营利润人民币约4.22亿元(占在合并报表) ,其总资产被评估高达人民币31.0亿元。 According to statistics for the trade as published by China Pharmaceutical Commerce Association, in 2003, among the 100 top Pharmaceutical enterprises of the nation in terms of sales amount, Nanjing Pharmaceutical Company Limited ranked at the fourth place, and among the 100 top Pharmaceutical enterprises of the nation in terms of profit and taxes, Nanjing Pharmaceutical Company Limited ranked at the eighth place; in 2004, among the top 100 Pharmaceutical enterprises of China as determined by China Pharmaceutical Enterprise Management Association, Nanjing Pharmaceutical Company Limited ranked the thirteenth place.据业内人士统计,在2003年,由中国医药商业协会发表的声明中,对于全国100个民族制药企业的而言,南京制药有限公司销售金额排在第四位;对于全国100个制药企业而言,所交纳的税金,南京制药有限公司排在第八位;2004年,对于政府承认的前100名医药企业中,在由中国医药企业管理协会宣布的排名,南京制药有限公司排名第13位。 In Dec. 2001, with the approval by the State Ministry of Personnel, NPC established the ※enterprise post-doctorate workstation§.200112月,由国家人事部经批准,在南京医药有限公司设立了:企业博士后工作站。 Since 2002, NPC has been appraised as ※E-commerce pilot enterprise of Jiangsu Province§, ※National level E-commerce pilot enterprise§ and ※Production, learning, research and practice base for higher schools in Nanjing§, and has also been listed as a national team enterprise, the only one for major support and with annual sales volume of RMB 5 billion yuan or over in the Pharmaceutical circle of Jiangsu Province.2002年以来,南京医药有限公司连续多年被评为:江苏省电子商贸试点企业 ,国家一级电子商业试点企业,南京高等学校生产、学习、研究和实践基地,同时也被列入作为国际性的企业;在江苏省的制药界,唯一一个年销售额人民币50.0亿元以上。
    近年来,南京医药有限公司依其雄厚的资本和先进的IT技术手段,公司已逐步建立了现代区域医药物流体系,涵盖各个不同区域。从规模经济角度,The primary operation of the Company covers more than 20000 varieties of products in four major categories of medicine, Pharmaceutical apparatus, chemical reagents and glass instruments, to seek for maximum benefits and efficiency from the scaled economy.公司的主要运作涵盖了超过20000个品种的产品,共分为4个大类:医学、制药仪器、化学试剂、玻璃仪器,以寻求最大的效益和效率。 NPC attaches great importance to quality management, and regards quality as its life.南京医药有限公司十分重视质量管理,把质量作为企业的生命。 It has been strictly implementing the requirements in the GSP specification of the nation, and has obtained the GSP authentication certificate from the State Food and Drug Administration.它一直严格执GSP制定的规定,并获得了由国家食品药品监督管理局统一颁发国家GSP认证证书。 NPC has its primary operation on more than 20000 varieties of products in four major categories of medicine, Pharmaceutical apparatus, chemical reagents and glass instruments, with its scope of operation extending all over the country.南京医药有限公司主要经营的超过20000个品种的产品,4个大类:医学、制药仪器、化学试剂、玻璃仪器,其经营范围发展遍及全国。南京医药

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