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PowerBuilder+SQL Server医药GSP管理系统 第16页

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PowerBuilder+SQL Server医药GSP管理系统 第16页

有限公司和与它It is maintaining close trading exchanges with dozens of famous domestic and overseas transnational pharmaceutical enterprises, as an important procurement and supply center in East China.保持密切贸易的数十个著名的国内及国外跨国制药企业,成为在华东地区一个重要药品的采购和供应中心。在省一级的江苏省,处理好进口和出口业务的前提下,It is also a designated organization for strategic reserves of medicine and Pharmaceutical apparatus at the provincial level of Jiangsu Province, delegated with the right to handle import and export operations.为战略储备的药品和医药仪器,也是组织授予的权利。 The Company now has nearly twenty sole invested or holding Pharmaceutical companies in conformity with the national GSP specification, such as Nanjing Pharmaceutical Logistic Distribution Center, the Import and Export Branch Company, Nanjing Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., NPC Hefei Tianxing Co., Ltd., NPC Hefei Tianrun Co., Ltd., Fujian Tongchun Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., NPC Yandu Co., Ltd., NPC (Huaian) Tianyi Co., Ltd., NPC Nantong Jianqiao Co., Ltd., NPC Yizheng Co., Ltd., Nanjing Pharmaceutical Guoyao Co., Ltd., NPC Baixin Pharmacy Co., Ltd., and about 500 affiliated drug retail and chain stores.现在,该公司成立有近二十年,在符合国家GSP规格标准下,旗下还有独资或控股的制药公司,如南京医药物流配送中心,进出口分公司,南京药业股份有限公司,南京医药股份---合肥天星有限公司,南京医药股份----合肥天润有限公司,福建同春药业股份有限公司,南京医药股份----盐都有限公司,南京医药有限公司(淮安)有限公司,南京医药股份----南通桥有限公司,南京医药股份----仪征有限公司,南京医药耀有限公司,南京医药股份----百新药剂业有限公司,以及约500名下属药品零售连锁店。 It has formed a trans-regional marketing network and modern medicine logistics system covering areas of Jiangsu, Anhui, Fujian and Shanghai with a total population of nearly 300 million, with operation scale nearly RMB 7 billion yuan and end customer coverage over 35%, playing an important role in the medicine procurement and supply in East China.它已成立一个跨区域的营销网络和现代医药物流体系,覆盖的领域有:江苏、安徽、福建和上海,总人口接近300万人,经营规模近人民币70.00亿元和终端客户覆盖率超过百分之三十五,在医药采购和供应方面,在中国东部起到了一个重要的作用。
﹛﹛The Company has emphasized the research and development of new products.    该公司强调研究和开发的新产品,一直以科技为主导,并高度重视并转化科研成果。 Nanjing Life Energy Scientific and Technological南京生命科技--Development Co., Ltd., a holding company of NPC and as a provincial level technological development center of Jiangsu Province, has been taking science and technology as the lead and attaching great importance to the conversion of scientific research results.实业发展有限公司,为南京医药有限公司的一家控股公司,江苏省把它作为一个省级技术开发中心。自1998年起,在开发新的药物方面,该公司总投资人民币2.0亿元,近30个品种的新的药物获得了专利证书,并得到生产批准和临床研究批准; 10个品种的新药品;在国内,与著名的科研院所和高等学校已签署长期科学和技术合作协定。

隶属于该公司的﹛﹛The various drugs made by Nanjing Hencer Pharmacy, Nanjing Tongrentang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Nanjing Meirui Pharma Co., Ltd. affiliated to the Company have passed the national GMP certification.南京hencer药剂、南京同仁堂制药有限公司、南京美睿制药有限公司,所生产的药剂已经通过国家GMP认证。按GMP要求和先进的制药生产设备和线路,公司的They have production buildings having undergone technical transformation as per GMP requirements and advanced Pharmaceutical production equipment and lines, with stringent production and quality management systems, and the entire production processes are in full conformity with the drug production quality management specification approved by the state.公司生产厂房经过技术改造,以严格的生产和品质管理系统,对整个生产过程完全符合药品生产质量管理规范,并已经国务院批准。 The products are highly effective and in good quality, with novel package.该产品具有高效率及良好的品质,同时还有新颖的包装。在全国,省和直辖市, Quite a number of products have been awarded titles of excellent quality product of the nation, the province and municipality.相当数量的产品已被授予优秀品质的产品称号。 The products are being marketed all over the country and also to Hong Kong, Macao and countries and regions in Southeast Asia.该产品已行销全国各地,并远销香港、澳门及东南亚国家和地区。 The solely invested enterprise Nanjing Hencer Pharmacy has seven advanced production lines, including the preparation workshop, Chinese herb medicine extraction workshop, raw material drug workshop and injection medicine workshop.该独资企业,在南京hencer药剂有7条先进生产线,包括制剂车间,中药提取车间,原料药车间和中药注射液车间。


6个药物制剂的片剂,胶囊,颗粒,溶液,滴眼液及原料药通过了国家药品监督局GMP认证。 The products include: prepared Chinese medicine for biological engineering compound earthworm capsule, Ibandronic acid sodium injection solution, Tobramycin eyedrop, weight reduction medicine Sibutramine hydrochloride capsules, national preserved Chinese medicine variety cardiodynia recovery capsule, and Cetylpyridinium Chloride gargarism; the holding enterprise Nanjing Tongrentang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. has a long history, its predecessor being Nanjing Branch of Beiping Tongrentang Jingdu Lejia Shop, having been awarded the honorable title of ※Time-honored Shop of China§, and its products have这些产品包括:编写了中医药名,生物工程等复方地龙胶囊,伊班膦酸钠注射液,妥布霉素滴眼液,减肥药盐酸西布曲明胶囊,国家保留了中医药品种:cardiodynia复苏囊,西吡氯铵gargarism;控股企业南京同仁堂制药-----株式会社具有悠久的历史,它的前身正是在南京分公司北平tongrentang京都乐嘉服务公寓店被授予荣誉称号的:中国时间悠久店;在国内和海外,其产品已been enjoying high reputation both at home and overseas, such as the famous traditions prepared Chinese medicine ※grand veins and artery relieving pills§, ※bezoar sedative pills§, ※eyesight-improving bolus of noble dendrobium§ and ※white phoenix bolus of black-bone chicken§, the special effect Chinese medicine ※urinary calculus removal granular formulation§, a pioneer product in China to treat calculus in the urinary system that has been awarded silver prize of the state, the national level new medicine and famous product of Jiangsu Province ※relieving cough and reducing sputum granular formulation§ and ※Ruining granular formulation§; Nanjing Meirui Pharma Co., Ltd., a joint venture of the NPC with a Swedish company, is mainly engaged in the production of natural drug preparations and chemical synthesis drugs, and has built its professional production line for urological medicine.一直享有崇高的声誉,如著名的传统编写中医药:大静脉和动脉纾缓丸,牛黄镇静药片,视力改进的填充物:乌鸡白凤凰丸鸡,具有特殊效果,中国医药尿路结石清除颗粒配方 、先锋产品、在中国治疗结石在泌尿系统被评为银奖的国家、国家一级新药和江苏省名优;止咳化痰颗粒配方和颗粒配方,南京meirui制药有限公司、合资成立的南京医药有限公司与一家瑞典公司,主要是从事生产的天然药物制剂和化学合成药物,并已建立了泌尿外科医学、前列腺炎治疗药物专业生产线。由该公司从国外引进后,以单一品种,取得了年销售金额超过人民币1.0亿元。






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期刊荣誉:ASPT来源刊  CJFD收录刊

【中文关键词】GSP ;医药企业;信息化


























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