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PowerBuilder+SQL Server医药GSP管理系统 第17页

更新时间:2008-8-3:  来源:毕业论文

PowerBuilder+SQL Server医药GSP管理系统 第17页




刊名中国医药工业杂志,2004353 -191-192






【刊名】佳木斯大学学报:自然科学版,2007254 -516-517页, Journal of Jiamusi University(Natural Science Edition)

【中文关键词】Power BuilderSQL Server;数据对象;数据窗口










【刊名】安徽工程科技学院学报,Journal of Anhui Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,编辑部邮箱,200203  
期刊荣誉:ASPT来源刊  CJFD收录刊




10】【TitleHealth Care Organization System

PublicationSystematic Practice and Action Research    

KeywordsMIS; Pharmaceutical; System

AbstractWorkflow Management Systems (WfMSs) are used to support the modeling and coordinated execution of business processes within an organization or across organizational boundaries. Although some research efforts have addressed requirements for authorization and access control for workflow systems, little attention has been paid to the requirements as they apply to application data accessed or managed by WfMSs. In this paper, we discuss key access control requirements for application data in workflow applications using examples from the healthcare domain, introduce a classification of application data used in workflow systems by analyzing their sources, and then propose a comprehensive data authorization and access control mechanism for WfMSs. This involves four aspects: role, task, process instance-based user group, and data content. For implementation, a predicate-based access control method is used. We believe that the proposed model is applicable to workflow applications and WfMSs with diverse access control requirements.


11】【TitleWork Teams: Perceptions of A Ready-Made Support System

PublicationEmployees Of The Obligations And Rights Journal, 2003,6

KeywordsIndividual; Experience; Perception; Support; Teams

AbstractWorkflow Management Systems (WfMSs) are used to support the modeling and coordinated execution of business processes within an organization or across organizational boundaries. Although some research efforts have addressed requirements for authorization and access control for workflow systems, little attention has been paid to the requirements as they apply to application data accessed or managed by WfMSs. In this paper, we discuss key access control requirements for application data in workflow applications using examples from the healthcare domain, introduce a classification of application data used in workflow systems by analyzing their sources, and then propose a comprehensive data authorization and access control mechanism for WfMSs. This involves four aspects: role, task, process instance-based user group, and data content. For implementation, a predicate-based access control method is used. We believe that the proposed model is applicable to workflow applications and WfMSs with diverse access control requirements.


12】【TitleIUI mining: Human Expert Guidance Of Information Theoretic Network Approach    

PublicationSoft Computing - A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications , 2006

KeywordsInformation; Computer; Approach

AbstractThe intra uterine insemination (IUI) is an assisted reproductive technique, enabling infertile couples to achieve pregnancy. We propose the variation of information theoretic network approach which uses human expert guidance to knowledge mining and suggest some possible modifications to IUI treatment plan in order to improve overall success rates. The information theoretic network algorithm employs the statistic significance to construct the network. We propose a new algorithm by adding up the medical significant criteria from human expert to construct the information theoretic network. We found that this new algorithm give us more reasonable result to human expert than the original information theoretic approach. The reliability of the knowledge got from this new algorithm is more acceptable than the original algorithm. And also human experts accept and satisfy the knowledge got from this new algorithm than the original algorithm. This shows that using human expert guidance with the original information theoretic approach to be the new algorithm can give us better result.


13】【TitleManaging Pharmaceutical DataDeveloping Information Management Strategies For Faster

PublicationSafer and More Cost Efficient Drug Development, 2007

KeywordsData; Pharmaceutical; Information management

AbstractThe pharmaceutical industry today faces heavy FDA regulations, consumers who demand accountability and shareholders that demand innovation. But, the industry is mired in massively fragmented, slow, undependable and expensive processes - costing the industry millions of dollars, putting consumers at risk and creating difficultly in meeting shareholder goals. One of the biggest challenges amongst this mire is accessing and leveraging prior knowledge from R&D -- i.e. data and conclusions resulting from both successful and failed experimental runs that are often buried in multiple silos across the product/process lifecycle. It's often a mystery of where is the data? Moreover, it's often even more difficult to recall critical information and, even if the data is found, it's sometimes not reusable.

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