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更新时间:2008-8-4:  来源:毕业论文
摘    要 2
Abstract 2
第一章 开发背景 4
1.1 本课题的背景与意义 4
1.2 网站建设发展状况 5
1.3 本文所做工作 6
第二章 开发工具及相关技术 6
2.1 开发工具简介 6
2.1.1  ASP编程语言简介 6
2.1.2  SQL Server2000 数据库简介 7
第三章 系统需求分析与概要设计 8
3.1 系统功能模块设计 8
3.1.1 系统功能模块划分 8
3.1.2 系统数据流程图 10
3.2数据库设计 11
3.2.1 数据库表结构设计 11
3.2.2 E-R图 14
第四章  系统详细设计 18
4.1 前台客户浏览模块 18
4.2 后台管理模块 19
第五章 系统测试与文护 23
5.1 系统测试 23
5.2 系统文护 24
第辣章 系统开发总结 25
结 束 语 26
参考文献 27



计算机科学系043班 肖丽莹


摘 要随着网络技术与信息技术的发展,因特网迅速成长,Internet上发布信息主要是通过网站来实现的,获取信息也是要在Internet“海洋”中按照一定的检索方式将所需要的信息从网站上下载下来。因特网与企业经营活动的结合创造了新的网络经济。所以我决定构建一个酒店网站系统来证明一个网站对一个企业的重要性。该系统包括前台和后台两大模块,前台客户浏览模块,实现客户的网上查看酒店主页,酒店介绍,餐饮设施介绍,酒店动态,网上预订,留言等;后台是管理员对酒店数据库管理和文护。文章还阐述了选题的背景和意义以及开发一个程序的一些基本理论知识和技术支持。详细介绍了程序开发从需求分析,到系统设计,再到数据库设计和详细设计的基本方法以及工作流程。文中还着重介绍了酒店网站系统中的一些主要模块的设计和代码分析。

关键词SQL Server2000asp酒店网站;前台;后台


Business Affairs Website Structure Builds Enterprise


Xiao Liying , Class 3 Grade 2004,  Department of Computer Science


Abstract: With the development of network technology and IT, grow up because the net is very prompt, announcing information on Internet is by coming true coming website mainly , gain information being also to be going what be needed information to be loaded with down in Internet "ocean" according to certain retrieval way from website high and low. Internet and enterprise business operations union have created new webnomics. Come therefore I decide to structure a hotel website to testify a website significance to a enterprise system. This system includes two main modules: the front counter and background.

The front counter module can realize the viewing of hotel homepage, hotel and catering facilities introduction, hotel developments, online booking and leaving messages etc. while the background is used for the management and maintenance of the database of the hotel. The article also explained the background and significance of this topic, the basic theories and technical support of developing a program. It expatiates the work flow and basic methods of program development from needs analysis, system design, to the database design and detail design. It also introduces the design of some main modules and code analysis of the hotel site system in details.Key words: SQL Server 2000 asp Hotel website front counter back ground97

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