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更新时间:2008-10-23:  来源:毕业论文




关键词:LED   点阵  字模



LED display as a new media show, with the large-scale integrated roads and the rapid development of computer technology, has been rapid development. It shows that the traditional media - the colorful neon lights, the wall of a tube TV, four-color magnetic flap, compared to its high brightness, dynamic image display, and low failure, less energy consumption, long life, revealed that the content varied , The display of rich, higher price advantage has been widely used in various trades and industries. With the development of broadband networks, digital multimedia content will occupy in the information world of the mainstream, the new large-screen display devices will replace the traditional TV into the enjoyment of information and multimedia content at the centre.

In the basis of the LED large screen system request and consult datum, this text analysis and sum up the design project. Such as system-configuration, whole system task flow,the design of software control system, the programmer for serial communication and the control for single chip. The system task flow is: under the compilation-tool of the software control system the compilation-work can be accomplished; then accomplish picking up the information word-model, afterwords adding extra display effect into system according to the display pattern and save the handled file which needed, multi-files can also be saved to one file, and then transfer data by using Windows functions. After transfer data to the hardware system SMC, save the data and drive the led-field-array, the image displaying is come true. 

Key words: led,field-array,word-model目  录

摘  要 I
1绪 论 1
1.1LED显示屏的研究背景及意义 1
1.2  LED显示屏的技术现状及发展趋势 2
1.2.1 LED显示屏相关定义 3
1.2.2 LED显示屏的分类 4
1.2.3相关技术 4
1.3论文主要研究内容及组织 6
2 LED显示屏工作原理 8
2.1 LED图文显示屏软件模块工作原理 8
2.1.1主控制界面的工作原理 8
2.1.2效果处理界面原理 8
2.2 LED图文显示屏硬件模块工作原理 9
2.2.1屏体部分结构与功能 9
2.2.2控制器结构与功能 10
2.2.3单片机功能 10
2.2.4存储器 11
2.2.5驱动电路 11
2.2.6控制信号模块 11
2.2.7查字模模块 11
3  系统分析 12
3.1整体分析 12
3.2软件模块分析与设计 13
3.3硬件模块分析与设计 15
4  软件控制系统的设计与实现 17
4.1编辑功能设计与实现 17
4.2 字模提取 21
4.2.1字模简介 21
4.2.2 LED显示屏领域字模实现技术 22
4.3效果添加与预览功能的设计与实现 24
4.3.1硬件模块处理显示模式技术 24
4.3.2软件模块直接加载效果技术 24
4.4设备通讯 26
4.4.1 Windows下实现串口通讯 26
4.4.2系统通讯分析与设计 26
4.4.3传输数据处理 .......27
5总结与展望 29
5.1工作总结 29
5.2工作展望 .........30
致  谢 31
参考文献 .....................32
附    录 ...................123

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