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LED图文显示屏系统软硬件设计 第13页

更新时间:2008-10-23:  来源:毕业论文




LED display of the development trend:

Modern information society, as a person, one-visual media information display products and technology have developed rapidly into the 21st century will be the display technology of the era of flat panel display, LED display as the leading flat panel display products will undoubtedly one of the Greater development, and is likely to become the 21st century the representation of the mainstream flat panel display products.

High-intensity, full-color

Pure blue and green LED products since there has been rapid lowering costs year after year, already have a mature business conditions. Basic materials for the industrialization. The full-color LED display products reduced costs, speed up the application. Φ26 to full-color outdoor display as an example, in 1996 the market price of 120,000 yuan per square meter in about 1999 has dropped to 7-8 10,000 yuan / m2, LED product performance improvement, so that the entire color display Brightness, color, white balance reached more satisfactory results, all-weather outdoor fully meet the requirements of the environmental conditions. At the same time, full-color screen performance than the price advantage is expected in the next few years in the development of full-color LED display in outdoor advertising in the media will increasingly be able to replace the traditional light boxes, Nihong Deng, magnetic flap , And other products, the stadiums full-color LED display screens will become mainstream products. Full-color LED display is the wider use of LED display industry development of a new growth point.

Standardization and standardized.

Materials, technology and the maturity of the market price after the

basic balance, LED display standardization and regularization of the LED display will be the development of a new trend. In recent years the development of the industry, market competition in the traditional products under the conditions of the competitive prices as the main means of several price , will become a major competitive factors, which the LED display of standardization and regulation have higher requirements, the industry has begun a number of backbone enterprises in the enterprise implementation of the ISO9000 series standards. Industry norms and standards system formed, the product of a relatively uniform testing and evaluation based on the awareness, poor production conditions, te not strong, and after-sales service of the imperfect system of enterprises will be out of the market, is expected within the next few years a number of small Scale LED display manufacturers will gradually fade out, the development of the industry tend to order.

Diversification of product structure

The formation of information society, the field of information even more widely, LED display a broader application. Expected large or very large LED display will be the mainstream products in the situation changes, appropriate for the service industry characteristics and field of LED display product categories and varieties System will become more abundant, some of the potential market demand and applications will be a breakthrough, Such as public transport, car parks, restaurants, hospitals and other integrated services in the

information display there will be greater demand for improved,high-volume, the standard system of small LED display in the LED display market will occupy the majority of the total Share.

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