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人事管理系统ER图+流程图+开题报告+源代码+数据流图 第14页

更新时间:2008-10-29:  来源:毕业论文


End Sub


Private Sub cmdOK_Click()


        If Txt(0).Text = "" Then

            MsgBox "不可以为空"


            Exit Sub

        End If


    Bupdata = False




    If FrmMain.cutable = "leave" Then

            DataA.Recordset.Fields(8) = frmLogin.EmploID

            DataA.Recordset.Fields(9) = Now


    ElseIf FrmMain.cutable = "employee" Then


            DataA.Recordset.Fields(13) = frmLogin.EmploID

            DataA.Recordset.Fields(14) = Now


            If Opsex(0) Then

                DataA.Recordset.Fields(4) = ""


                DataA.Recordset.Fields(4) = ""

            End If


            DataA.Recordset.Fields(7) = Cmbdegree.Text

            DataA.Recordset.Fields(8) = Cmbdepart.Text

            DataA.Recordset.Fields(13) = frmLogin.EmploID

            DataA.Recordset.Fields(14) = Now



                For i = 4 To 10

                    If Not IsNumeric(Txt(i).Text) Then

                        MsgBox "not a number"


                       Exit Sub

                    End If


                Next i


            DataA.Recordset.Fields(13) = frmLogin.EmploID

            DataA.Recordset.Fields(14) = Now


    End If


        For i = 1 To 12

              If Txt(i).Text = "" Then Txt(i).Text = 0 'DataA.Recordset.Fields(i) = 0


        Next i








End Sub



Private Sub DataA_Validate(Action As Integer, Save As Integer)


    If Action = 11 And Bupdata Then

        Save = 0


    End If



End Sub



Private Sub Lab_Click(Index As Integer)


End Sub


Private Sub Txt_KeyPress(Index As Integer, KeyAscii As Integer)


   If (KeyAscii < 48 Or KeyAscii > 57) And KeyAscii <> vbKeyBack And Index = 0 Then

            KeyAscii = 0

            Exit Sub

   End If


   If FrmMain.cutable = "leave" And Index = 1 Then

        If (KeyAscii < 48 Or KeyAscii > 57) And KeyAscii <> vbKeyBack Then

                KeyAscii = 0

                Exit Sub

        End If


   End If


  If FrmMain.cutable = "salary" Then

        If Index <= 3 Then

            If (KeyAscii < 48 Or KeyAscii > 57) And KeyAscii <> vbKeyBack Then

                KeyAscii = 0

                Exit Sub

            End If


        End If


       If Index = 13 Then Exit Sub


        If (KeyAscii < 48 Or KeyAscii > 57) And KeyAscii <> vbKeyBack And KeyAscii <> 46 Then

                KeyAscii = 0

            Exit Sub

        End If


 End If


End Sub

Private Sub Txt_change(Index As Integer)


    If Bupdata = False Then Bupdata = True


    If FrmMain.cutable = "salary" Then


        If Txt(Index).Text = "" Then Exit Sub


        If Index >= 4 And Index <= 6 Then

            Txt(7).Text = Val(Txt(4).Text) + Val(Txt(5).Text) + Val(Txt(6).Text)

            Txt(12).Text = Val(Txt(7).Text) - Val(Txt(11).Text)

        End If


        If Index >= 8 And Index <= 10 Then

            Txt(11).Text = Val(Txt(8).Text) + Val(Txt(9).Text) + Val(Txt(10).Text)

            Txt(12).Text = Val(Txt(7).Text) - Val(Txt(11).Text)

        End If


    End If


End Sub


Private Sub Form_Load()


    DataA.DatabaseName = App.Path + "\sm.mdb"

    DataB.DatabaseName = App.Path + "\sm.mdb"

    DataA.Caption = FrmMain.cutable

    DataA.RecordSource = "select * from " + FrmMain.cutable

    DataB.RecordSource = "select * from " + FrmMain.cutable



    Txt(0).Locked = True



    'If FrmMain.DBGA.Row = 0 Then Exit Sub



    If FrmMain.cutable = "employee" Then        'employee


          For i = 0 To 12

            Lab(i).Caption = DataA.Recordset.Fields(i).Name

          Next i


            Txt(0).DataField = DataA.Recordset.Fields(0).Name

            Txt(1).DataField = DataA.Recordset.Fields(1).Name

            Txt(2).DataField = DataA.Recordset.Fields(2).Name

            Txt(3).DataField = DataA.Recordset.Fields(3).Name

            Txt(4).Visible = False


            Txt(5).DataField = DataA.Recordset.Fields(5).Name

            Txt(6).DataField = DataA.Recordset.Fields(6).Name


            Txt(7).Visible = False

            Txt(8).Visible = False


            Txt(9).DataField = DataA.Recordset.Fields(9).Name

            Txt(10).DataField = DataA.Recordset.Fields(10).Name

            Txt(11).DataField = DataA.Recordset.Fields(11).Name

            Txt(12).DataField = DataA.Recordset.Fields(12).Name

            Txt(13).DataField = DataA.Recordset.Fields(15).Name


            If FrmMain.cuAp > -1 Then

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人事管理系统ER图+流程图+开题报告+源代码+数据流图 第14页下载如图片无法显示或论文不完整,请联系qq752018766
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