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更新时间:2009-1-2:  来源:毕业论文

摘   要
    在计算机技术高速发展的今天,实现人与人之间的即时交流已不是困难的事情。例如电话,发送Email等。这些都很方便,但在特定的情况下--比如只是在公司内部交流,这时成本、信息的即时和实现信息的再交流上达不到最适的平衡。在追求高效率的同时,并以低廉的成本实现局部范围内的信息及时准确的交流,聊天室便成了最好的选择之一。该局域网聊天室建立在局部网络中,只要是连入局域网络的计算机都可以方便的给使用者发送消息,并且占用很少的系统资源。在设计上,该局域网聊天系统运用软件工程的设计流程,综合运用了Windows程序设计技术、网络通讯技术、ADO数据库编程技术,以Visual C++6.0作为前台运用程序开发工具,进行软件开发。此聊天工具采用客户端/服务器端(C/S)模式,客户端采用TCP与服务器连接,客户端与客户端之间通过TCP相互通讯。服务器端有管理员登陆、管理页面组成。客户端有注册、登陆 、设置IP、用户主界面、聊天室等界面组成。本系统是根据实际的需求而设计,通过对计算机硬件和软件解决方案的论证,对实际应用领域进行深入的调查分析,已经基本上成功地实现了设计要求。
网络通讯; 客户端/服务器模型; 传输控制协议; 用户数据报协议; 微软基础类; 套接字

  In the rapid development of computer technology today to achieve the immediate exchange between people is not difficult. Such as telephone, such as Email sent. These are very convenient, but in certain circumstances - for example only in-house exchange, then the cost, real-time information and the further exchange of information on up to less than optimal balance. In the pursuit of high efficiency, low cost and to achieve within the scope of local timely and accurate exchange of information, chat rooms, has become one of the best choice. The LAN chat rooms in the establishment of local networks, as long as it is connected to the LAN the computer can easily send messages to users, and occupation of the very few system resources. The design of the LAN systems use chat software engineering design process, the integrated use of the Windows programming technology, network communications technology, ADO database programming technology to Visual C + +6.0 future use as a tool for the development of procedures for software development. This chat tool use client / server (C / S) model, the client and server using TCP connection, the client and client communication between each other through TCP. Server administrator landing, the management of pages. Client registered, landing, set IP, the main user interface, chat rooms, and other interface components. The system is based on the actual needs of design, through the computer hardware and software solutions for the demonstration, the practical application of the field to conduct in-depth investigation and analysis has been largely successful in achieving the design requirements.
Key words
Network communications;client / server model;transmission control protocol; user data on the agreement; Microsoft basis; socket195

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