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电子商务毕业论文 第12页

更新时间:2009-3-9:  来源:毕业论文

   String cdclass = request.getParameter("cdclass");
   int bc = Integer.parseInt(cdclass);
   String cdno = request.getParameter("cdno");
   if (cdno == null)
           cdno = "";
   String picture = request.getParameter("picture");
   if (picture == null)
           picture = "images/01.gif";
   float price;
   try {
           price =new Float(request.getParameter("price")).floatValue();
   } catch (Exception e){
           price = 0;
           sqlflag = false;
   int amount;
           amount = new Integer(request.getParameter("amount")).intValue();
   }catch (Exception e){
           sqlflag = false;
           amount = 0;
   String musiclist = request.getParameter("musiclist");
   if (musiclist == null)
           musiclist = "";
   if (sqlflag)
           flag = true;
   return flag;
                }catch (Exception e){
   return flag;
         * 获得查询CD类别的sql语句
         * @return
public String getSql() {
   sqlStr = "select id,classname from cd order by id";
   return sqlStr;
         * 完成CD查询,包括分类,分页查询
         * @param res
         * @return
         * @throws java.lang.Exception
public boolean cd_search(HttpServletRequest res) throws Exception {
   DataBase db = new DataBase();
   stmt = db.conn.createStatement ();
   request = res;
   String PAGE = request.getParameter("page");   //页码
   String classid = request.getParameter("classid"); //分类ID号
   String keyword = request.getParameter("keyword"); //查询关键词
   if (classid==null) classid="";
   if (keyword==null) keyword = "";
   keyword = to_String(keyword).toUpperCase();
   try {
           page = Integer.parseInt(PAGE);
   }catch (NumberFormatException e){
           page = 1;
   if (!classid.equals("") && keyword.equals("") ) {
           sqlStr = "select count(*) from cd where cdclass='"+classid + "'";
  else if (!keyword.equals("")) {
      if (classid.equals("")){
           sqlStr = "select count(*) from cd where upper(cdname) like '%" +
                    keyword+ "%' or musiclist like '%" + keyword + "%'";
      } else {
          sqlStr = "select count(*) from cd where cdclass='" + classid
                   + "' and  (upper(cdname) like '%" +keyword+ "%' or "+
                   "musiclist like '%" + keyword + "%')";
   } else {
           sqlStr = "select count(*) from cd";
   int rscount = pageSize;
   try {
           ResultSet rs1 = stmt.executeQuery(sqlStr);
           if (rs1.next()) recordCount = rs1.getInt(1);
   }catch (SQLException e){
           return false;
   if (recordCount < 1)
            pageCount = 0;
            pageCount = (int)(recordCount - 1) / pageSize + 1;
   if (page < 1)
            page = 1;
  else if (page > pageCount)
            page = pageCount;
            rscount = (int) recordCount % pageSize;  // 最后一页记录数
   sqlStr = "select  a.id,a.cdname,a.cdclass,b.classname,"+
           "a.Leav_number,a.regtime,a.picture from cd a,cdclass b"+
          " where a.cdclass = b.Id ";
  if (!classid.equals("") && keyword.equals("") ){  //如果类别不为空,非查询
           if (page == 1)
               sqlStr = sqlStr + " and a.cdclass='" + classid + "' "+
               "order by a.Id desc";
           } else {
               sqlStr = "select top "+ pageSize+" from (select top "+(recordCount-pageSize * (page-1)) +"from ("+sqlStr + " and a.cdclass='" + classid + "'))";

  } else if (!keyword.equals("")) {  //如果是查询资料
    if (page == 1){
      if (!classid.equals("")) {//查询某一类
         sqlStr = sqlStr + "and a.cdclass='" +
         classid + "' and (upper(a.cdname) like '%" +
         keyword+ "%' or a.musiclist like '%" +
         keyword + "%')  order by a.Id desc";
      } else {  //查询所有类
        sqlStr = sqlStr + " and (upper(a.cdname) like '%" +
        keyword+ "%' or a.musiclist like '%" +
        keyword + "%') order by a.Id desc";
     } else {
      if (!classid.equals("")){
           sqlStr = "select top "+ pageSize+" from (select top "+(recordCount-pageSize * (page-1)) +"from ("+sqlStr + " and a.cdclass='" +
           classid + "' and (upper(a.cdname) like '%" +
           keyword+ "%' or a.musiclist like '%" +
           keyword + "%') ))";
      } else {
            sqlStr = "select top "+ pageSize+" from (select top "+(recordCount-pageSize * (page-1)) +"from ("+sqlStr + " and (upper(a.cdname) like '%" +
            keyword+ "%' or a.musiclist like '%" +
            keyword + "%') ))";
  } else {//非查询,也非分类浏览
    if (page == 1) {
      sqlStr = sqlStr + "  order by a.Id desc ";
    else {
      sqlStr = "select top " + pageSize + " from (select top " +
          (recordCount - pageSize * (page - 1)) + "from (" + sqlStr + "))";
        try  {

         // System.out.println(sqlStr);

              rs = stmt.executeQuery(sqlStr);

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