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战略管理会计论文 第2页

更新时间:2009-3-16:  来源:毕业论文
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关键词:战略  战略管理  战略管理会计

Strategic Management Accounting is to adapt to the market economy environment will be created to vigorously develop the disciplines of accounting new things. With the growing maturity of the market economy, businesses are being constantly changing internal and external environment. Operating conditions in the complexity and variability forced the enterprises from the strategic height of the enterprise and its competitors carefully analyzed to examine the strategic vision to their own advantages and disadvantages of competitors look at the advantages and disadvantages taking into account market and the availability of resources to the enterprise customer demand for the product from a long-term point of determining strategic goals, the development of a strategic plan and guiding objective of this enterprise at all levels of action to achieve the long-term maximization of value. This not only to fully study the firm's internal environment, including enterprise with the resources, products market occupancy rate, ability to innovate new products, the market potential for development, internal management level, enterprise groups, the overall entrepreneurial team. Enterprises should thoroughly study the external environment, including a competitor with the resources, product development and strategic situation, investment and financing environment, customer information and government information. To provide these services in the strategic management accounting is accounting. This article 5 of the strategic management accounting issues to be elaborated upon : An Introduction to the strategic management; Strategic Management Accounting basic theory; Strategic Management Accounting problems; establish and improve our strategic management accounting Countermeasures; Strategic Management Accounting for the future development trend.

Keywords : Strategy   Strategic management  
Strategic Management Accounting

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