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更新时间:2009-3-19:  来源:毕业论文

摘    要

关键词:公允价值 职业判断 判断能力


The traditional accounting model based on historical cost-based measures, along with economic development, especially of the 20th century, the start of the 1970s the international economic integration, securities of a trend. As a historical cost alternative models for the measurement of the fair value model to be shipped out. fair value measurement of left accountants greater professional judgment space; Evolving accounting environment. for accountants professional capacity of the new requirements, requiring accountants to study the new accounting method grasp the present value valuation techniques at the same time, enhance accounting professional judgment. This paper attempts to analyze the fair value of the content, conditions and accounting professional judgment of their relationships, mainly discusses the fair value of the basic theory; My application of the fair value; fair value in our professional judgment of professional judgment and the application of fair value of the measures taken.

Keywords :Fair Value accounting  Professional Judgment  Judgment ability244

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