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更新时间:2009-3-19:  来源:毕业论文

目    录
专题部分  对我国独立审计质量研究……………………………1
(一)独立审计质量概念 ………………………………………………1
(二)审计质量的衡量方法 ……………………………………………2
(一)2005年财政部发布的会计信息质量公告 …………………………4
(一)提高上市公司对高质量审计的有效需求 …………………………11
(二)提升高质量审计的有效供给 ……………………………………13
(四)提高审计队伍的整体素质 ………………………………………16
致    谢……………………………………………………………19
摘    要

关键词:上市公司   代理理论   注册会计师   独立审计质量ABSTRACT

  In the  21st  Century,our CPA circle has made a rapid development, but at the same time,it also emerges a series of serious problems. But with the exposure of momentous financial fraud,audit quality draws unprecented concern of society.So it is very urgent to make a study on the audit quality.
Based on the principal-agent and economic theory, this dissertation analyzes the mutual recation between demand & supply of independent audit service and the inherent mechanism of audit quality.Secondly the author attempts to investigate the status quo of CPA audit quality on securities market from two aspects:the result of the audit failure that has been exposed.Thirdly,further analyses of the contributing dactors for low audit quality are made from three perspectives:audit demands of listed companies,the supply of audit service, and the supervision on the CPA profession.In China,the imperfect corporate governance leads to inadequate voluntary demands for independ audit,and accordingly results in the lack of CPAs’ economic motives for improving audit quality.On the other hand,the Present institutions fail to induce CPA to take the initiative in Providing high quality service.Meanwhile,the imperfect supervision system of the profession may encourage CPA to take the risk of issuing false audit reports.Finally, according to the improve CPA audit quality of listed companies In our country.
Key words:  listed companies   principal-agent   CPA   independent audit quality247

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