Object Browser
The Object browser will give you a complete list of all classes’ methods and
properties in your solution. Everything is listed, and it is quite in depth. If you
want to, you can look up parents of classes that you are using and list out the
methods and properties you might need. By double-clicking on an external class
in your solution, the Object browser will load and have all parent and child nodes
of the class listed with each of their methods and properties included. This comes
in handy when you are in need of finding a suitable substitute class to handle
some part of your application. Like in Java, .NET has an incredible quantity of
built-in classes that can accomplish just about everything you may need—the
trouble is finding their location and how to access their methods and properties.
Using the Object Browser enables you to achieve this in a timely fashion (see
Figure 3.12).
Figure 3.12 Object Browser
Dynamic Help
Dynamic Help is a dockable window just like the previous windows we have discussed.
To get Dynamic Help to appear, simply choose Help | Dynamic Help.
You can then make the window float or Auto Hide. One thing to note is that
each part of Help (Index, Contents, Search, Index Results, and Search Results),
are all separate windows, so if you undock them and make them all float you will
have quite a few windows appearing on the screen. One thing you may do is
load all the Help windows into themselves and a bottom tab order will appear
inside the main Help window; you can then access all parts of Help from the
same window (see Figure 3.13).
To customize the Dynamic Help window, choose Tools | Options. In
the Options dialog box, select Environment and then select Dynamic Help.
Here you can specify what topics you want to have available and in what order.
You may also specify how many links are displayed per topic. You may also create
a custom Help file on your own for your project, by following the XML schema
named vsdh.xsd. Create your XML file based off of that schema list and place the
file where you want your Help topics to be displayed.
Tabbing through the many different Help options and getting to the information
you need is now easy. If you have the hard drive space, loading all the
MSDN Help files from the disks that come with VS.NET would be beneficial. To
do this, simply check the option on the installation sequence that will run from
the computer and not the CD. This will prevent you from constantly having to
load another disk every time you want to look up a particular topic. This gets
quite annoying when you need one disk to open the tree view and another to
access the topic within.
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